Chapter 39

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As soon as I walked through the door, I could feel Travis's eyes burning into the back of my head. I didn't bother putting away my things or changing out of the outfit I had worn earlier; instead, I sauntered over to him, letting the scent of my perfume fill the air around us. He placed a deep kiss onto my lips, As passionate it is it was still loving. I moaned into the kiss knowing I was wearing his favorite set under the t-shirt and jeans I was wearing.

The soft fabric of the t-shirt brushed against me as we continued our heated exchange. Travis's hand found its way underneath the material, caressing my sensitive nipples through the sheer lace of my bra. I gasped softly, feeling a rush of pleasure course through my entire being.

His fingers slid even further beneath the shirt, tracing delicate patterns across my stomach before making their way towards my hips. With a sudden tug, the elastic waistband of my jeans gave way, allowing them to fall to the floor in a heap beside me.

Now almost naked from the waist down, I felt vulnerable yet exhilarated as I stood there waiting for whatever Travis had planned next. He knelt down between my legs, leaving a trail of kisses along my inner thighs as he explored every inch of my most intimate areas.

"Let's go to the bedroom." He said kissing my inner thigh.

In a blur of motion, he lifted me effortlessly and laid me gently onto the bed, surrounding me with an ocean of love and tenderness. His mouth traversed every part of me, delicately exploring each crevice, leaving me breathless with need.

"I want to try something new," He said kissing my neck and caressing my inner thigh with his hand.

"What is that?" I asked with a small moan.

"I want to dominate you," He said taking a brake from kissing me but his hand was still caressing my inner thigh.

"Please do," I beg my breath hitching at the idea.

"Good girl," He said his lips turning into a smile.

Travis's words ignited a fire within me, sending waves of heat coursing through my veins. I clung tightly to his broad shoulders, my mind racing with possibilities.

Without warning, he rolled me onto my belly, pinning me firmly to the mattress. I could feel his weight pressing heavily upon me as he reached forward, pulling the straps of my lace bra apart until it fell loose around my chest.

The cool air assaulted my sensitive nipples, causing me to shiver involuntarily. But Travis didn't stop there - he lowered himself closer to me, his hot breath tickling my earlobes as his hands roamed freely over my body.

Every inch of my skin hummed with energy, begging for his touch. And he delivered, teasing and tantalizing me with featherlight kisses, his lips trailing slowly down my spine until they settled themselves firmly between my ass cheeks.

"Wait a second," He said stopping. "We need a safeword. Just in case."

I thought deeply, considering words that would convey my intentions clearly and succinctly. After some deliberation, I suggested, "Orange."

Travis nodded approvingly, "Orange it is." He repeated the word aloud, ensuring that I could recall it easily under pressure.

As soon as we had settled on the safe word Travis wasted no time in resuming his exploration of my body.

He shed his clothing, revealing the toned muscles and taut skin that hinted at the discipline and dedication he put into his fitness routine. Then, returning to where he had left off earlier, he planted soft, lingering kisses all over my skin, starting from the tips of my toes and working his way upward until he reached my neck. Every touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire inside me that only intensified as he moved higher and higher. His hands traced delicate patterns across my chest, sending chills throughout my entire being. And as his lips met mine again, I felt my heart racing faster and faster, consumed entirely by the heat of our desire. In that moment, I couldn't help but think how fortunate I was to have stumbled upon such a rare gem like Travis, someone who combined tenderness and strength in equal measure.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora