chapter 14

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Travis's POV

The first rays of dawn delicately filtered through Taylor's bedroom windows, creating a warm, golden hue that embraced the room, inviting tranquility into the space—a sanctuary untouched by the world outside.

As I stirred awake, I found myself alone in Taylor's inviting bed. Glancing around, I admired the beautifully decorated room. The walls wore a serene shade of pale pink-grey, complemented by elegant traditional furnishings. Her bedspread, a delicate white-pink with intricate patterns, exuded an air of sophistication.

In the midst of this serene atmosphere, Taylor gracefully entered her bedroom, draped in a pink silk nightgown. A cup of coffee and a cup of tea accompanied her, and her feline companion trailed leisurely behind her.

"Good morning," her voice was a tender melody in the tranquil space.

"Morning, beautiful," I replied, a soft smile reflecting the peaceful ambiance.

Accepting the offered coffee, its warmth became a soothing embrace against the morning's chill. Settling into the tranquil morning, our conversation flowed like a gentle stream, harmonizing with the serene ambiance.

Sunlight streamed through the windows, illuminating the gradual awakening of the city. "The morning brings a different magic to the city, doesn't it?" Taylor observed, her gaze drawn to the awakening urban landscape.

"New York—so bustling, yet so serene," I reflected, appreciating the quietude enveloping us.

Our conversation meandered through tales of shared experiences and plans for the day—a tapestry woven with intimacy and connection.

Taylor's voice carried a hint of reluctance, a desire to linger in the serenity of her home. "It feels too perfect to leave, doesn't it?"

Agreeing softly, I expressed gratitude, "It does. Being here with you is wonderful."

In the ensuing quietude, our connection deepened. Taylor leaned closer, her voice a playful whisper, "Can't we just stay like this forever?"

"As much as I'd love that, I'm sure you have work to get done," I replied, a faint smile playing on my lips.

Taylor playfully pouted, "But the outside world can wait a bit longer, can't it?"

"We can stay here as long as possible," I chuckled softly, feeling her lean against my chest, her tea cup placed nearby.

"Do you think we could talk about yesterday?" she asked me, and a wave of nerves surged within me.

"Of course, we can talk about anything you want," I reassured, resting my head atop hers.

"Are you my boyfriend now then?" Her gaze sought mine, a tender question lingering in the air.

"Only if you want to be my girlfriend," I replied, attempting to conceal my nerves.

Without a verbal response, Taylor gently took my coffee, setting it down beside her tea. Softly, her lips met mine, a kiss laden with tenderness and an unspoken understanding—a connection fueled by the desire for intimacy and companionship.

Our morning unfurled into a symphony of shared laughter, tender gestures, and affectionate moments

A/N don't be shocked if this is my last update this week I am super busy should be back to updating over the weekend

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