Ch. 18 - Exhibition Day Part 2

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You all made way to the homerun catwalks, to find Yukari and Leo watching as Joker beat up the sandbag. You started regaining strength as you arrived, and no longer needed Corrin's help. You all stood and watched, before Joker picked up the bat and swung it at the sandbag. It went launching far, with Pit flying off to see where it landed. You could barely hear him shout, "93.426KM with a Global Smash Power of 2,375,949! NEW RECORD!" Corrin's jaw dropped and his mouth remained agape at the pure shock of the distance.

Joker let out a sigh of relief, as Yukari cheered for him, grinning. It seemed like since the previous match, Yukari found her place. Corrine would take the bat from him and say, "alright, my turn."

"Show us what you got," Joker told her, before exiting the way. You were far more interested in the area around you than the actual act of the game. Beautiful waterfalls cascading down from the cracks of the platform, into a carved manmade lake of sorts. It had a royal feel to it, with vines and flowers sprouting from the cracks. The water was calming, soothing your soul.

Corrine did the same as Joker - beat the sandbag and sent it flying. Unfortunately it didn't go as far as his did. Not by a longshot. Pit, who had just returned, sighed as he zoomed off after the bag, and called out, "57.333 KM with a Global Smash Power of 1,625,680!!" He'd return to the two, and say, "that's a new record for both of you!"

"Wow. I'm so proud of you guys," Corrin said to them both. Joker smirked and thanked him, and Corrine nodded.

"Thanks Corrin. I hope some day I can swing the bat as hard as Joker."

"Mama stronger than Joker, Mama better than Joker," Kana started cheering. Kano soon joined in, with the two twins dancing around their mother, and 'uncle' Corrin too. Veen closed her eyes for a moment, before speaking up.

"I want to give it a try myself."

"Oh?" Corrine questioned, "I don't think I've ever seen a non-fighter partake in this specific challenge."

"It would do me good. I must see how strong I have become, and I believe this well help me."

The group made way for Veen. And it did take a while for her to get ready. Veen punched and kicked, doing various moves akin to Little Mac, Ryu, and other fighter-verse competitors. She got a good amount of damage done to the sandbag, before picking up the bat and swinging it as hard as she could. The Sandbag went blasting into the sky, and everyone stared in awe. Most of your group had their jaws dropped, until Pit finally spoke up.

"I-I .... I don't think it's coming back down...."

"Hmph. I guess I've still got it in me." Veen said stoically.

"WAY TO GO VEEN!" Joro cheered, pumping a fist in the air. Chrono would do the same.

"What do we have here?" Everyone looked over to see that Shulk had now arrived, a smile on his face. With everyone's attention, he said, "I've been looking for you guys."

"Oh yeah, we've been here," Corrin said, "just playing it safe since y/n wasn't feeling too good."

"What are you talking about," Shulk asked, raising an eyebrow.

His expression soon became alarmed as Corrin began to explain the situation to your friends. Fear came to Joro's eyes, Veen grimaced as she shook her head, and Chrono just scoffed to himself. Corrine looked concerned for you, but held her kids close, as they too could feel the tension, despite being no older than five.

"So my visions... they're true..." Shulk said to himself, before Veen pounded her fist onto Corrin's chest as if it were a wall. She ignored his 'oof' as she shouted, "What do you MEAN your visions are true?! What aren't you telling us?!"

Shulk sighed.

"It's a lot to explain, can I please explain it over dinner?"

"Hell no," Veen shouted, "I want answers and I want them NOW! What do you know that I don't?! This is MY SIBLING!"

Shulk sighed again. He was in too deep now.

"Alright... I'll explain."

Everyone gathered around to listen to Shulk explain. Even Leo and Yukari, who weren't really involved in the situation, were able to hear what was being discussed as they continued playing Homerun with Joker.

"I've been having visions about upcoming events. y/n is going to submit to the darkness within their sword. I don't know what their plan is, and I don't have all the context. A lot of parts of the puzzle are not fully known. But they will kill Ganondorf, and they will obtain some objects..."

You looked confused, and tried getting Veen's attention as to ask her what Shulk's talking about. Veen ignores you though, discussing with Shulk possible solutions - after all, if you slip up again, Master Hand is going to remove you from the roster. Veen never told you this though.

Insecurities started flooding your head: If Riku and Veronica could tell that you had these demons within you, who else could tell? Did people judge you for this? Could they all tell? Were all these friendships fake? Your hands began to tremble as the anxiety settled in. Anxiety formed into paranoia, and you darted off, upset about the entire thing. You had just learned, second hand, that you were more or less cursed. This was unacceptable to you! How could your friends - and your own SISTER - not tell you about your own condition?!

"Y/n! Wait up-" Shulk began to go after you, but the Corrins held him back for a moment.

"Let them be," Corrin said, "they need time to process everything." Corrin then turned to Veen, Joro, and Chrono and said, "you guys didn't tell him? I had no idea it was meant to be a secret from them."

"I... didn't want to scare them," Veen said, crossing her arms. "I knew I should have told them when I put the pieces together, but I didn't want to scare them. This is their fate. They cannot break fate."

"Fate can always be broken," Corrine says, "and I know this first hand, thanks to my brothers and sisters all coming together as family."

"That's right," Leo chimes in, "Corrine was able to unite two nations and break the fate of our never-ending war. I assume that Corrin did this for his world's version of his siblings as well."

"yeah," Yukari also comments, "The world I'm from was also going to come to an end, but thanks to me and my friends... and our leader, Makoto, we were all able to stop the fate of our world, and continue to live on... even if it came with a price."

"So what are you saying," Veen questioned, "that I'm just wrong? I've been training with the dark sword since I was a child!! That thing will kill you and those you love if you're not careful!"

"Like the Monado..." Shulk mused. Veen sighed in frustration, before slumping down on the ground and beginning to cry from the sheer frustration. Joro pat Veen's back, hoping to at least help.


Aloise made her way into a dark room deep within the basement of Smash Mansion. Not even a place Master Hand knows exists. As she descends, things appear more and more eerie. She is in phased by it all.

She arrives to a portal, and enters through it. The other side is a void of pure dark, aside from the faint glow of a being.

"The vessel has acknowledged its destiny, great one." Aloise tells the being, "it is ready for phase two."

"Good," it says, "in due time, I will bring fourth my return, and the fate of Smash will be set in stone once and for all." A creepy and eerie chuckle began, before erupting into a laugh twice as bad.

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