Ch. 07 - A New Plan

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"That damn thief," Shulk complained as he slammed his fist on Shellsea's desk. The flash drive they gave Joker had only ONE video on it that wasn't corrupt. The remaining ten were though, making most of this footage useless.

"This was a damn mistake and a waste of my time." Cloud scoffed, before turning his back ready to leave.

Shellsea shook her head and said, "we may as well check out the one file that isn't corrupt, it might be useful!" But the men all shook their heads, dismissing the idea. Shulk was too upset about this right now, and left the room to get dinner. Cloud followed suit, along with everyone else, aside from you. Shellsea sighed, feeling useless.

"Shelle..." a voice from the computer screen spoke. When you walked over for a better look, there was a light-brown haired girl on the screen- like a virtual girl or something. She looked concerned for Shellsea, even referring to her by a nickname. Shellsea looked at the girl on the screen.

"Hi Monika," she just said, slumping in her chair.

"Boys again huh? Not listening to you when you have good ideas?"


"You know, I think I can cross between computers, and get those other files. I just need the name info of the computer so I can jump over."

This confused you, but it made Shellsea perk up with hope. You would look at Shellsea, then Monika - now, the digital girl taking notice of you and appearing shocked.

"Who's that?" Monika asked.

Shellsea looked up at you, then back to Monika and said, " That's just y/n. They're helping with the problems going on around Smash Mansion." Monika was intrigued, finding you to be a little fascinating for some reason. You also found her fascinating, but only because she was a sentient being trapped in a computer program, from the looks of it.

"I see." She said, looking back at her inkling friend. "Well, just get me the computer info from Master Hand's room and I can help you out once you do that."

Shellsea nodded, before turning off the computer - of course, saying goodbye to her friend before shutting it down. She'd take a look at the surviving video later.

She almost left er room without you, before realizing you were still there. " Hey, do you wanna help me try and get info on Master Hand's computer? I know there's a lady here who knows a lot about Master Hand's technology. We might be able to talk her into giving us some info, or at least a reason to enter his room." You nod in agreement, following the abnormal inkling.

The two of you walked through the Mansion's hallways and rooms, passing by various fighters along the way. Corrin seemed to be talking with his female counterpart - a pink haired girl with a dress inspired by his attire - you knew of her as Corrine, and knew that Robin had his own female counterpart named Robynn... you also saw a few villagers from Animal Crossing talking with Megaman and Pac-Man. This time of day sure was bustling with activity in the mansion, you thought as you examined everyone. But before you had the chance to truly process everything, Shellsea grabbed your wrist and pulled you along as to not lose track of you.

You both entered the front office, and your inkling friend approached the counter before letting go of your wrist. Your eyes gaze upon the secretary lady who you remember informing you of your remaining five minutes on your entry battle. You didn't know her from your time as a Smash Bros fan, but a lot of the staff here you had never heard of, and just assumed staff were not as appreciated.

"Hi Aloise," Shellsea says, a little louder than what most would like.

The human didn't respond to Shellsea. She seemed busy with whatever she was doing, and you were about to tell Shellsea that, but the woman spoke.

SUPER SMASH BROTHERS : Your Journey [ REUPLOAD ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora