Ch. 15 - The Battles Begin pt. 3

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You sighed as you sat down after your uneventful dinner in the cafeteria. No one had wanted to sit with you, if only because Shulk was too preoccupied with Shellsea to invite you over. You got to Riku's match stadium a little early, and saw the people working on getting it all set up while you sat alone. Your mind was racing with confusion about why your friends were now avoiding you. Smash was supposed to be fun! Yet, this... wasn't fun for you. The only time you felt like you were having fun was when matches were going on, and even then, it was only the close ones. You didn't take notice to it, but one of the new fighters had approached you.

"What troubles you, y/n?"

The voice caught your attention. Looking up, you saw the dark prince of Nohr, Prince Leo. You were kind of uncomfortable talking to strangers, and usually Veen was here to do so for you. But she wasn't right now, so you tried signalling your concerns in another way...

Leo seemed to understand where you were coming from, and sat next to you. "I understand that. I come from a background where many people would want me dead. It's scary to think that those who love and care for you no longer do. I may be fortunate to have my older sister, Corrine here, along with her alternate counterpart Corrin, so I cannot imagine what it would feel like if she were to decide she didn't want to associate with me all of a sudden." Leo paused for a bit, reflecting on his words for a moment before adding, "That is why it is important for you to make new friends. The newcomers here are in a similar boat to you, feeling alone and worried about fitting in."

You hadn't thought of it that way. You knew that your friends were all interacting with other fighters, but you... just stuck with the ones that were drawn to you. What about ones that you were drawn to yourself?

"Yukari is a friendly one, and she's a bit nervous about being here," Leo said, suggesting you befriend the archer. After that, his eyes lit up with excitement, seeing the stage begin to take it's default form, with more viewers entering the stadium bleachers, ready to watch the fight. Your attention would go to the battlefield too, as Leo made a final comment, "I'm excited to see Riku's fighting style. I hear that he uses dark energy of some kind, similar to magic. As a dark knight myself, I'm curious to see his technique."

You sat with Leo as the battle begun. Riku entered the stage through an oval-shaped portal, and Alf arrived on his rocket ship. The stage began to transform into an all black and white map, with a log-in hub on the main platform. "Now entering [A]: Riku" was written in yellow and white letters. Crazy Hand announced for the two to begin the battle, and....


Stage: PictoChat 2 — Battlefield form
Music: Light Plane for 3DS/Wii U

Action was slow to start.

Alf was not one to fight much it seemed, as he was just standing there. Riku aimed his keyblade at the little dude, shooting a ball of darkness at him. Alf ducked, but still got hit. When he stood, he started digging out pikmin from the ground. He'd throw them, as Riku swung his keyblade to attack. Some of the pikmin turned to ghosts, but Alf kept digging up new ones to throw at his opponent. One stuck onto Riku! It was white, and caused Riku some pain.

"Gah-" He grimaced, wincing as he grabbed the white creature and stomping it on the ground. Alf's eyes widened in horror as he saw the ghost of the white pikmin float up in the air. You weren't sure if the pikmin actually died, given this was a fun tournament, not one of death and violence. Riku really did seem to kill that creature though, and Alf looked petrified. Riku was confused by his opponent's behavior, raising an eyebrow.

"GO RIKU!!" Sora cheered from the crowd, snapping him back to the fight. Riku would swing the keyblade at Alf again, knocking him back. He tumbled and rolled, landing on his bum once he stopped. Alf would dig up more pikmin before sprinting towards Riku and throwing his pikmin. However, he would trip, and Riku would raise his blade.

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