Captain Arc: Part 1

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Soon all of the lights turned off with Soviet turning into smoke as the screen started to show a familiar scene with a narration being heard on the speakers.

Ruby: Here we go!

???: Twenty years... it's been twenty years since it happened.

Some of the girls in the theatre started to blush at the gruff, gravelly, Liverpudlian accent.

Ozpin: Oh?

Pyrrha: Who's voice is that?

Nebula: Who ever it is sounds...

Octavia: Manly...

Reese: That's an understatement...

The camera then panned to a man in his 40's with distinctive facial structure, mutton chops, a strong jawline, and brown hair as the camera focused on his face as the Boonie he wore covered his eyes while he smoked a cigar.

Ironwood: An interesting looking man.

Ruby: Look at that hair!

Ruby then gestured to the mutton chops.

Yang: It's like a mustache, but connected to his actual hair!

Neptune: Man, he looks cool!

Sun: Right!?

Salem: Hm...

Soon another man walked up behind the mysterious man.

??? 2: Cap'n, we found him.

Glynda: Found who?

Ironwood: Whoever he's looking for seems serious, but it seems this main person is a Captain.

The first man the looked up at the camera as very familiar eyes looked at the camera.

Nora: *Gasp* Those eyes! That's the fearless leader!

Arslan: Who?

Jaune then sheepishly gave a laugh.

Jaune: She would be talking with me.

Reese: But the guy we see has brown hair, you're blond?

Jaune: Well, this story is focused on me, so...

Soviet: You would be right!

Everyone then looked to the voice to see above them sat Soviet who was sitting on a cloud of smoke.

Weiss: How in the...

Soviet: Don't question it, but yes, this man we see is Mr. Jaune Arc!

Ruby: You look so cool Jaune!

Yang: I know right!

Jaune: Well then Soap, let's kill the bastard.

The Jaune on screen then got up before we walked into the camera causing the screen to turn to black as white text appeared.

Winter: An interesting transition.

Brawnz: Woah, woah, woah. Soap? That man's name, is Soap!?

Yang: Ha! That's such a ridiculous name!

Soviet: 'For now.'

"Emerald Forest, 20 Years Ago."

Yang: Sweet! A flashback!

Robyn: And we start in a forest?

Ozpin: yes, but it is the Emerald Forest.

Soon Jaune's voice was heard, this time, he had an accent similar to Velvet's as it spoke in a flashback way.

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