Blinding Lights: Act 2

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Annie: Let's say, this "Lady Paranoia" moved these objects. I still don't get why you haven't moved them back.

John: I don't quite care about the other objects... But everything on that desk... Even the desk itself...

John: I would kill a person for touching it and anything on it...

Hugo: Why do you even have a desk there?

John: You of all people should know.

Hugo: Y-You know what I mean.


Hugo: This "Lady Paranoia" thing. It's probably in your head.

Hugo: So why don't you let me...

He places an arm around Annie.

Hugo: And my fine lady go off and have a fine night?

Annie: We can't leave.

She tosses his arm off of herself, as she approaches Jojo.

Annie: He's being genuine. And John hasn't been wrong for all the time I've known him.

Annie: He's got a sixth scent for this stuff.

Annie: John, is there anything we can do?


John: Move things. Ever so slightly. Then think.

He turns away and returns to his favorite spot where he stars out of the window, at this time, he sees nothing but darkness.

Annie turns to Hugo, who shrugs, and the two begin shifting objects around the office. When it came to the desk on the left side of the room, Hugo stopped himself from touching anything when he noticed Jojo's glare through the window reflection.

Annie did not notice and foolishly touched the framed picture on the desk, looking at it to find three young kids, a girl approximately 10 years old, a boy roughly 6, and another boy nearly 4.

She however receives no death glare from John, only a glance.


Hugo:... Okay, this is stupid. We're chasing ghosts of your imagination.

John:(looks at palm)

John: Thanks to you two, I've gathered a plethora of data on the "Lady Paranoia".

Hugo: Just by us SLIGHTLY moving things?

Annie: Yeah... What exactly did you figure out?

John: They're between 4 foot 10 and 5 foot 4. And possesses an extreme condition of OCD.


Annie: How do you know this?

John: Look at all the objects you've moved. They've reverted back to what they were.

Hugo: I think, you're just making us go crazy.

John: LOOK.

He points out how even are objects laid out as he moves them out of place. Taking matching pens, and tossing pencils atop them, making paintings crooked.

John: Everything has been shifted to be more organized. And they keep doing it.

John: This is what makes me believe it's OCD.

Hugo: OCD ghost... Alright, I'll say it's plausible. But the hight?

John:(points up)

The two look up at the lamp on the ceiling. It was a simple one that required three light bulbs.

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