Even members like Bourbon are usually cold-faced in the base, and everyone is accustomed to this, not to mention the notoriously evil Hiiragi Eiji.

But soon, Rei Fukutani took him to a room. Before Rei Fukutani silently opened the door and walked in, Hiiragi Eiji couldn't help but said, "...just Go in like this?"

His expression was still cold, but his tone did not sound strong.

After pushing open the room, Fangtani Rei invited him in, "This area is where I will stay for a long time. Nothing will happen. Come in."

Hiiraeiji then walked in with confidence.

Fangtani Rei closed the door behind him, and then there was a subtle "click" sound. When he turned around, he found that Fangtani Rei had locked the door.

After taking one look, Hiiragi Eiji continued to look at this room. It looked no different from other rooms, but there were quite a lot of things inside. Not only is there a coffee table, there is a layer of plush carpet underneath, and even a large-size TV is hung comfortably on the wall.

Not to mention that it is fully equipped with coffee machines and the like, making it look like a very suitable place to relax.

At this time, Hiiraeiji was completely unaware that Furiya Rei had been parked at the door for too long, and did not make any other movements, just looking at the locked door with a heavy gaze. Latch, I don’t know what I’m thinking.

Hiiraeiji took off his shoes very relaxedly and sat directly on the sofa, marveling at the comfort of the sofa, "Zero, where did you buy this? It's so comfortable— —”

Just when Hiiragi Eiji happily asked his friends about their purchase experience, he turned around and discovered something unusual about Ryoya Rei.

The natural alarm radar in his brain suddenly started to operate, and the wild intuition of small animals also came online at this moment. He subconsciously stopped talking and sat down as quietly as a chicken. On the sofa, I didn’t dare to move.

...Is it his illusion? ! Why did he feel that Zero suddenly gave him a scary feeling? !

Is this some kind of sequelae of gangsterism?

Obviously this was not the case before!

Could it be that... I have also undergone some changes during this rich undercover career, but I just don’t know it?

Just when Hiiraei Si was thinking wildly, Feng Guling finally started to move again. He walked to the cabinet placed against the wall, took out the medical kit, and then walked towards Hiiragi Eiji.

This was also the first time Hiiraeiji discovered that when Zero was angry, he felt really oppressive. Just like now, he couldn't help but sit up straight.

But the other party just walked to the carpet without saying a word, put the medical box on the coffee table, knelt down on one knee and extended his hand to Hiiraeiji.

"...W-what?" Hiiragi asked stutteringly.

Jiang Gu Ling then raised his head and glanced at him, "Left hand." Perhaps feeling that his tone was too cold, he paused for two seconds, and then said: "Left hand, no Are you injured?"

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