Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better

Start from the beginning

(Cut back to the cockpit with Chris and chef)

Chef: can we stop messing with them and level out?

Chris: errhmmmm, nah!

(Chris and chef laugh loudly and chef makes the plane even more bumpy)

(Cut to the Yukon where the plane makes a bumpy landing in the runway)

(As each contestant tries to exit they all end up falling one after the other)

Chris: welcome to the Yukon! Hahaha!

(Cut to the staring line where everybody is crossing their arms for warmth except for Bentley, who adjusts his hat)

Bentley: (confessional) ahhh the advantages of winter gear!

Heather: Uhmm hello? Where are our jackets?

Chris: (he's in a very warm and puffy jacket) relax I ordered coats for everyone.

(Everyone cheers)

Chris: they won't be ready for weeks but as soon as they arrive I'll be sure to give them to ya!

All: awwww.

Courtney: maybe we should huddle for warmth?

Cody: (tries to huddle with Gwen but she pushes him back into sierras grasp)

(Lindsay, Izzy, and Leshawna huddle with Alejandro)

(Noah at first huddles with Bridgette)

Bridgette: I have a boyfriend!

Owen: you can cuddle me buddy (hugs Noah)

Chris: little chilly without mittens

Chef: coco?

Chris: don't mind if I do!

Alejandro: (he notices Bridgette and makes a sly face towards her making her look slyly at him back)

Chris: much better!

Owen: you gonna finish that?

Sierra: of course he is it's Chris's favorite drink!

Chris: wrong! My-

Sierra: second only to tomato juice

Chris: that's not in the fan site, how'd you-

Sierra: I walked around your highschool and interviewed all your old teachers for the unauthorized biography I'm writing, they said-

Chris: (puts his hand over her mouth) ok, ok, ok, ok, moving on!

Chris: crossing the icy river in canadas frozen tundra used to be easy back when the river was frozen solid, but thanks to global warming, (Owen toots) and Owen. Earth is finally becoming a lot more interesting, by that I mean, DEADLY!

Izzy: ah ha! Yay!

Chris: todays challenge is called, Total Drama, the Icicle! Teams must make their way across this watery cavern by jumping from ice flow to ice flow, first team member across must make their way to the dogsleds on the far shore and become the dawg, pulling the sled all the way to the finish line as you wrap the rest of your team along the way at more meeting points, sleds are first come, first surf so move fast and don't worry if you fall into the water we are legally required to save you. So we have two divers downstream ready to pull you out.

Tyler: you guys ready for some mad ice flow jumping, cause this guy is kicking it in to high gear! Hoo!

Leshawna: (whispers to her team) whoever doesn't land near the sled head straight for the finish line that way we won't lose time stopping at every meeting point!

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