Chapter 20

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Avery POV - two months later

"Hey, you."

I look up from eating and my eyes widen.

I quickly set the fork down and wipe my hands on my shorts, "H-h-hi. D-d-didn't kn-kn-know y-y-you w-w-were cuh-coming."

I glance at Carly and then look back at Tate, who is smiling.

"Thought I'd surprise you." She says.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Hi, I'm Carly, I'm this one's occupational therapist." Carly says.

My eyes widen further.

"Tate, this one's uh-"

"Guh-guh-girl-fr-fr-friend." I stutter.

Tate's eyes widen and she smiles.

"Oh, nice to meet you!" Carly says and glances at me.

"Y-y-you c-c-can h-hang i-i-in l-l-living r-r-room."

She shakes her head and shrugs, "Can I stay in here with you? I want to see you work."

My eyes widen, "U-uh s-s-sure? L-l-ame th-though."

She smiles, "Not lame. I want to know how to help."

I stare at her, "O-o-oh."

I turn back to Carly, who smiles, "Great! We're working on eating without making an absolute mess."

I feel my cheeks heat up.


I stare at Tate when Carly snaps her fingers in my eyesight, "Avery, keep going. You like this, it's strawberry yogurt."

I sigh and pick up the spoon, trying to scoop and move it to my mouth.

Carly grabs my wrist and turns it upright, so I don't spill.

"Ave, you have to focus, alright?" Carly says.

I glance at her, "T-t-trying."

I hear the front door open and try to stay focused on the spoon.

"Oh, Tate! Hi!" I hear my sister say.

"Hi, Mrs. Carrasco."

I can feel her eyes on me and glance at her out of the corner of my eye.

'Everyone is watching me.'

I drop the spoon, "D-d-done."

"Hey, no, we have to finish." Carly says.

I shake my head and push myself away from the table.

I feel her touch my shoulder, "D-d-don't t-t-touch m-m-me."

She drops her hand so I stand and limp away, settling in my bed.

I hear a knock shortly after and groan, "Guh-go a-a-away."

"Avery? I just want to make sure that you're okay." I hear Tate.

I don't say anything, but watch the door get pushed open.

"Hey. I told your sister that I'd check on you." She says softly and walks towards my bed.

I stare at her and sigh, "Suh-suh-sorry."

She sits on the edge of my bed and reaches for my hand, "What was that about?"

I sigh, "F-f-feeling s-self-cuh-conscious."

"Like we were all watching you?" She asks.

I nod.

She sighs, "I don't want you to feel self-conscious."

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