Chapter 11

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Avery POV - One Week Later

"Pass!" I hear.

I pull my leg back and quickly stumble, falling flat on my face.


I hear a whistle, "Alright, that's enough for today guys! Grab water and stretch!"

I roll over onto my back, "F-fuck!"

"Hey, here." I see a hand come into my view.

I grab it and let Keely pull me up.


"You're getting better." She says.

"N-not fast e-enough." I say.

"You'll get it. It took me a while after my TBI."

I nod and see Alex talking to the coach.

I walk slowly over to my stuff and kick my shoes off without untying them.

I grab my slides and slip them on then stand up.

"How're you feeling?" I look over and see Jess.


She bobs her head, "Okay, how's your leg feeling?"


"Can stretch when you get home."

I bob my head, "W-When do I g-get my m-meds?"

She stops walking, "Tonight, you know that."

I sigh and nod.

"Hi Aves! You looked good out there!" I hear Alex say.

I shrug, "I-I suh-suck."

She smiles, "All a work in progress. Which teammate were you talking to?"


"She's cute." She says.

I bob my head and turn to find her, "Yuh-yeah. Guess s-so."

"You should ask her out." She says.

I shake my head and sigh.

"Why not?"

"Nuh-not inter-interested." I turn to walk away, but she grabs my forearm.

"Hey. Talk to me." She says softly.

I look down, "Br-broken."

"Avery." She says.

I look up and see her looking at me sadly.

I shake my head, "N-no talk."

"I'll let it go for now. Ready to get home?"

I nod and start towards the car.

"Want to try to drive?" She asks me.

I look down at my leg and then look at the car and start to feel anxious.


"Avery, you don't have to be scared, alright? Just in the parking lot." She says.

"N-not. Ju-just drop I-it."

She sighs and gets in the driver seat and I pull myself into the passenger seat.

"I'm going to have to write out your whole schedule for mom and Jeri while I'm gone."

"Guh-gone? Thought-thought we were cuh-coming w-with." My anxiety starts to increase.

"You are once we get to Mexico. You're not coming for the lead up matches."

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