Chapter 7

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Alex POV - New Year's Eve 2020

I walk into the hospital room to see Avery staring out the window.

"Hey, Avery."

She turns, "H-hi. Whaaat are youuuu doing h-here? Th-thought you and Seeeerv h-had plaaans? Juh-Jeri hanging wuh-with muh-eee tuh-tonight?"

I sigh, "Yeah. She is. We do. Just wanted to see you."

"St-st-still a-alive." She jokes.

"Not funny." I deadpan.

"Suh-sorry." She stares at me.

"Youuuuu suuuure you-you wuh-wanna tuh-take meeee huh-home wiiith youuu?" She asks and smiles.

"You're not like a stray puppy, Avery." I chuckle. "But yes, we're sure."

"Cuh-cool." She gives me a weak thumbs up with her left hand.

Her right arm is still completely stabilized and same with her leg.

"Heard speech was hard today." I say.

She shrugs, "Itttt's hard tuh-to tuh-talk. Muh-maaaakes muh-eeeee tiiiiired."

"I get that, but Mallory is only trying to help. She doesn't deserve you cussing her out."

She nods, "J-juuuust fruuuustrated."

"I know you are." I sigh.

"Alright, resolutions." I say.

"Uuuuugh. Yuh-youuuu st-still o-o-on thaaaat?" She asks.

Avery's therapist asked her to make a resolution for the year so I decided to do it with her to encourage her to do it.

"Yup! Okay. I'll go first. Live a more balanced life. More family, less work." I say.

"I'm going to be there for you, Avery. I promise you. I know I missed a lot and wasn't truly there for you. No more, okay? And I'm excited for you to spend time with Charlie." I say.

She looks down, "O-o-okay."

She takes a deep breath.

"It's okay, Ave, just take your time." I grab her hand.

"Iiiii guh-guess juuuust buh-beee muh-more honest." She says.

I smile.

"Hooonest wuh-with muhyyyyself, a-and yuh-ouuu, ju-just wuh-wiiiiith everrrryonne." She says quietly.

I lean down and press a kiss to her head, "I like that. Good job, kid."

She nods, "Knock, knock." I see Katelyn.

"Shower time- hey Alex, didn't know you were going to be here!"

"Hi Katelyn! Stopped by to hang for a bit. New year, fresh you?" I look at Avery.

"Guh-guessss sooooo, duh-don't wuhaaaant th-though." She says.

I laugh, "You never want one."

"Eh-embaaaarrassed." She says.

"Avery. I literally do this for 80-year-olds. At least you crack a few jokes." Katelyn says.

I sigh and look at Avery who's whole demeanor has changed.

'Maybe this has to do with what happened to her.'

She still hasn't fully told me, but I get an idea.

I pull my shirt off, "Alright, I'm doing it with you. Real quick."

Her eyes widen, "Nuh-no. Itsssss o-okay."

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