Chapter 1

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!!Alright guys, if you've read my other story, I'm looking on feedback for this one. I have 10 chapters written, but going to see how this first chapter is received. Hope you enjoy!!

Alex POV - June 2004

"Alex, meet Avery!" My mom says to me.

I look at the tiny little baby and hold her.

"Hi Avery, I'm your big sister. Well technically there's three of us. But I'm the coolest. And we're the closest in age. And your middle name is my first name. Avery Alexandra Morgan. That's you. I promise I'm going to be there for you. And take care of you. And protect you. I play soccer, maybe you'll like soccer too? I'm 14, almost 15."

I smile and lean down to give her a kiss on the forehead, "I love you so much." Then stare into her bright blue eyes.

"She's like your little twin, honey."

I nod, "My mini."

Avery POV Time Skip - November 2020

"Dude your mom is going to lose it if you don't slow down. You're already buzzing."

I look at Tori, "Are you my best friend or my babysitter?"

"You know I'm on your side, but I'm just saying, you don't need to be wasted on Thanksgiving."

"I do when my superstar sister is coming home with her perfect family." I say.

"Fair enough. Another shot for you." She hands me the bottle of tequila.

"Thanks, Tor."

"Alright, enough for you. I'm taking you home." She says.

She pulls up outside of my house and I sigh, "Ugh, everyone is here."

"You'll be okay buddy. You know, you and Alex should probably talk it out."

I glare at her, "Nothing to talk about. She left me for college, left me for the pros, USWNT, France, became a superstar, and never looked back. Left me here to suffer."

Tori softens, "You can't hold a grudge forever, Aves."

"I can and will. I gotta go. Love you." I say.

"Love you too, dude." I watch her drive off.

I stare at my house, "Here goes nothing."

Alex POV

"Where's Avery?" I ask my mom.

"Out with Tori. I told her to be back around now."

I nod, "How is she?"

"Who? Your twice-failed rehab attending sister? Oh she's great, honey." My mom stares at me.

"That bad, huh?" I say.

"It's bad. It's getting worst. I'm not sure what it's going to take. I drop her off, she runs away. I get her a therapist, she refuses to go. I'm at my wit's end. I don't know what to do."

"She doesn't answer my calls or my texts. Why did she quit soccer so abruptly? Like nothing makes sense. She was doing great up until two years ago? Like what happened?"

"I don't know honey. I don't know if the divorce caught up with her, her struggling with being gay, but we've all told her that we don't care. I don't know." She says exasperated.

"Maybe she just likes the attention." That's Jen.

I shake my head, "She's never been a brat like that, Jen."

"I agree with Alex. There's a big age gap between all of us, but Ave has never been an attention hog. If anything, she hates it." Jeri says.

I nod.

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