Chapter 4

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Avery POV - 2 weeks later

"Knock knock." I open my eyes and look at Alex who is standing in the doorway with my psychologist.

I haven't really spoken to anyone, even though I can. I am too numb.


I hear a sigh and then footsteps.

I see Alex come into my view, "Please?"

My eyes fill with tears and I just stare at her, then shake my head.


She sighs, "I know you're in pain, but this can help, Ave."

I hear a beep and look at the machine as it drips, 'Thank god. Good night world.'

They spaced out my doses of morphine so that I'm more aware and can do different things, but honestly, I just want to sleep.


I feel the morphine hit me and close my eyes. I open them and the world feels further and further away.

I hear talking, but it feels like I'm underwater.

I feel Alex get into the bed with me and I breathe her in. This is like when I was little and I'd always run to her room to sleep in the night. I feel her softly scratch my scalp and it further lulls me to sleep.

'Why didn't I just die.'

Alex POV

I watch as Avery goes in and out of sleep and finally falls into a deep slumber.

I look at Dr. Morton, "Is this normal? I'm worried. We're all worried."

"She's in pain, physical and emotional. The morphine keeps her numb. It's fairly normal. We will keep an eye on it because she's high risk." She says.

"High risk for?"

"Addiction, suicide. I mean, we knew this was the situation. She's been to two rehabilitation facilities. She tried to sacrifice herself to save her friend. We just really have to monitor."

I sigh, "Yeah. Alright."

"We will get her the help she needs, Alex. I'll swing by later. Maybe try taking her for a walk in the wheelchair." She says.

"I plan on doing a walk with her when she wakes up." I say.

"Great. See you later."

I stare at Avery and take a deep breath. She's barely spoken. She gives minimal responses, mostly one-word responses and zones out a lot.

I'm hoping to get her off of morphine in the next few days and onto something that's less mind numbing because it's not helping her mood. And to be honest, it's scary to watch her zone out.

I hear her whine and try to twist into me. "Shh." She's been waking up in a panic almost every night and trying to roll into me, but can't twist that much with her busted leg and busted arm.

She jolts awake, looking around. "Hey, it's alright." She finds my eyes and nods, rubbing her forehead. "What happened?" I ask her.


"Avery.." I say.

"L-Lex, nothing." She says.

"Alright. We're going for a walk. So I'm calling the nurses, we're getting you in your special chair and we're going."

She groans, "D-Don't wuh-want."

I stare at her, "Don't care." I shrug and push the call button.

"A-Alex, n-no."

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