Chapter 16

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Alex POV - two days later

"Nuh-not guh-going!" Avery yells.

I stare at her in the car and see my mom, "We don't really have a choice here, Aves."

"C-can't m-make m-me guh-go!"

I look at my mom and see her sigh.

"You want a new switch game, baby?"

My eyes widen, "Mom! You can't just-"

"Yuh-yes!" Avery says.

I turn and look at Avery and shake my head, "You're unbelievable."

She starts to get out of the car and I hold my hands out for her to grab.

She gets out and sighs.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, whatever they say." I say.

"Nuh-not buh-better." She whispers.

I sigh and kiss her head, "You are. Promise."

She starts walking and we make our way to the waiting area.

Before I know it, we get called back and are sitting in a room.

I watch Avery intently as she stares at her phone, mindlessly scrolling.

A knock at the door pulls my attention away and I watch as Dr. Max comes in.

"Hi everyone! Hi Avery!" He says.

I look at Avery who barely responds.

"She doesn't exactly want to be here." My mom says.

"I can understand that." He says.

"Y-you duh-don't kn-know a-anyth-thing."

My eyes widen.

"Avery! Holy, I'm so sorry, doctor." My mom says and snatches Avery's phone.

"It's fine. Alright, so how are we? How's the leg, the arm, therapies?"

"Her walking is a lot better, but still limping." My mom says.

He sighs, "Unfortunately, the limp will always be apparent. Can you walk for me, Avery?"

She groans and stands up then walks across the room.

"Alright, hop back on the table."

She does as he asks and waits.

"Okay, now push against my hand has hard as you can."

I watch as she does so and can visibly see how little strength she has in that leg.

"Alright, arm time."

She sighs and he starts moving her arm around with Avery wincing every so often.

"Okay, hold your arms out and I'm going to try to push them down."

Avery groans and I walk over, "Just try your best."

She looks down and holds her arms out.

Dr. Max nods and starts to push down and I can see Avery's right arm shaking and she drops it with her left lasting a bit longer.

I kiss her head, "Good job, kid."

Dr. Max scribbles some stuff down and looks up, "How're therapies going?"

Avery looks at me for help and I sigh.

"They're going well. She just wishes it was a quicker process."

He takes his glasses off, "Avery, remember when we said that you might not get fully back to where you were pre-accident?"

She looks down and nods.

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