𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Alistair and Michelle shared a discrete look, deciding to leave that fact hidden for now.

"Yeah, I wonder that, too," said Scott, looking at Alistair. "The point is, if the Benefactor wants visual proof, they'll have to come."

As his brain started to register the cold and emptiness from his side, his eyes opened. Where Derek had been hours before, no one laid. Sleepy, John got up, shivering slightly as the cold breeze graced his naked top half, his bare feet on the ground as he walked down.

In the couch, Derek's frame could be seen. With a groan, John walked towards him, stopping as he loomed over the man. With gentle hands, he lifted the hem of his shirt, exposing for a moment the wound from the day before, still not healed.

In instinct, Derek's hands shot out to grab his, but John's were already retrieved. Opening his eyes, Derek smirked.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I would dare to say my boyfriend's body is his as much as mine, eh?" John smirked; Derek chuckled. "Why hasn't it healed yet? I've seen you heal worst wounds in less time, Derek. I know there's something you're hiding."

Derek swallowed. "Some wounds simply take longer. Others leave scarring—" he looked at John's scarred forearms.

"Yes, but not to people like you," he countered. When he looked into his eyes, Derek's humor evaporated into thin air, and in its place came the vulnerability he had seen before. With a gentle hand on his cheek, John spoke, "Please, show me your eyes."

Derek's eyes never wavered, or moved, but behind them, John knew he was making an effort, searching his inner wolf, but it never came, and his eyes never changed.

"What's happening to you?" John asked, as his thumb gently graced the trimmed beard on Derek's face.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Liam asked. "Isn't there some kind of spell to not take risks?" he asked, looking at Michelle.

The rest were looming Scott's bed, where the boy laid on his back, his shirt opened, exposing his chest.

"Everything will be fine, Liam," Scott reassured the beta.

"Have you done this before?"

"I've seen it be done," offered Noshiko Yukimura.

"And it was good?" Liam asked, looking at her like a scared puppy.

"No," she simply said.

"Mom," hissed Kira. "You're not giving us much confidence."

"Fine. This is a horrible and stupid idea."

"Would you prefer us to do it without you?" Kira challenged. Everyone seemed to stiffen every tie those two argued, the last time it almost caused them two lives.

After assessing her daughter for a moment, Noshiko spoke, "Put your hand over his heart," she instructed.

Kira did as told, but Scott grabbed her hand. "What's going to happen while I'm unconscious?"

"You'll probably feel like you're dreaming," Noshiko offered.

"But, if you really die, you'll most likely go into The Other Side, or at least you'll be on The Veil," complemented Alistair.

"The Other Side?" asked Scott.

"Yeah, it's a supernatural dimension created by a witch to which all the supernatural spirits go when they don't find peace. The Veil is the metaphysical barrier between there and here, if you know what I mean," Alistair explained.

THE KEEPERS  -  Teen Wolf FanFic- (temporary hiatus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ