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Kingdom of Amaryah

Two days before Spring, 2759 DP

Neir's favorite place was the Stream of Nëllaen, but it lay outside the walls of the palace. Apparently, soldiers had found something "not good" that had made the stream run red. Or at least, that's what his tutor had said. So Neir settled for his second favorite place.

"Aylë, what's something more important than my father?"

His maid stilled from where they strolled in the palace gardens. "One thing? Life. Life, Prince Neirnis̈hënon, is more important than the king."

He nodded solemnly. It was as he feared. His throat constricted.

"Aylë, I fear I've run out of berries for Ruishë. Could you bring me some, please?"

The blonde-haired servant curtsied and ran off to do as he bid. It gave Neir time to run to the base of a tall tree and slide down its sturdy side. The tall leaves of the Elderbrim plants hid him from view as hot tears streaked down his cheeks.

He clutched his rat close. "I'm sorry, Ruishë!"

She squeaked questioningly.

"My father," Neir cried. "He's going to be assassinated, and I have to find something to give the assassin so he doesn't kill him! I can't trade anything like a river, and all my toys don't seem good enough. I don't have any coins, and I don't have any shiny swords!"

He wiped his nose on his sleeve. "None of those things are the same as my father! None of those things are better than him! It's as Aylë said! Life is more important than Father. After all, the assassin is seeking his life so I must give him a different one..."

Neir sobbed again and held Ruishë before him. "You're the most precious life I have. I... I have to..."

The prince dissolved into a puddle of tears, emptying his pockets of berries and nuts. He let Ruishë, the life he would trade for his father's, eat to her heart's content.

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