Chapter 11

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Can't pick you up today. Not feeling too great, sorry.

Vinny couldn't help but scrunch his face at the weird text he just received. He's not even the type to really put his emotions onto text messages, meaning he can't quite read texts with the intended tone either, but this one he could clearly see that things weren't okay with his childhood friend.

You okay though?

I will be. Good luck with classes :)

The quick (as usual) response calmed him down a little. At least she's okay enough to reply back and wish him goodluck.

"Guess I'm getting an uber."


Arriving in class, Vinny took his usual seat, which actually had moved a bit closer towards the front of the class compared to where he sat the first time he came. It was Ked's idea, saying it'll be good if they seat in the front so that it wont be as easy to lose focus. It definitely worked, though there really is no bigger distraction than the blonde boy himself.

Currently, Ked is nowhere to be seen. Vinny had texted him about Jude not being able to pick them up, and he only received a thumbs up emoji as a response. Hopefully this won't be another skipping-class-because-of-a-dog situation.

However when the professor came in the class and started it, the seat on Vinny's right side remains empty. Vinny sighed, hoping the boy is just a little late.

Soon his thoughts were proven correct, about 15 minutes into the lesson the class door opened and came in Ked, though not looking like he was in a rush at all. He casually walked in and took his usual seat.

"Hey." he said.

Vinny greeted him back, then asked, "Why are you late?"

Ked made a thinking face, eyes squinted and mouth agape while tilting his head.

"Honestly? I've been having this weird feeling since yesterday. I don't know how to describe it."

Vinny scoffed, "Is it really that or you just don't wanna go to class?"

"I'm being very serious."

Vinny took that response with a shrug before bringing back his attention to the lesson.

"I wonder if Jude is okay." Ked said, opening his notebook and clicking his pen.

"She told me she's just not feeling great. Probably didn't sleep enough, or something." Vinny suggested after seeing the genuine concern on Ked's face.

"I guess. I still feel something's going on though. It feels weird.. in my stomach."

Vinny laughed at the last part, proceeding to poke Ked's stomach with the back of his pen.

"Ow! I'm literally being serious! Aren't you concerned about your friend? I mean as far as I know she never skipped classes right?"

"Ça suffit, vous deux."

The two boys went quiet immediately after the scold from the professor. They glanced at each other as if to signal that they will continue the conversation later.

Vinny thought about what Ked had said. "Aren't you concerned?", of course he is, what kind of question is that? Though Vinny would be lying if he said that at this moment, he wanted to be concerned.

He has been feeling emotionally distant with his friend. The reason, the very obvious way she isn't showing him any support in figuring himself out. It's not like Jude doesn't have any queer friends, Alex is quite literally the definition of the word and she had no problem being with them. Why is it different with Vinny? Is the thought of her childhood friend turning out to be gay so scary?

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