Chapter 6

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Standing in front of Ked's appartement door, Vinny raised his hand to knock, only to put it back down again. The nervous boy had been repeating this action a couple of times, cursing at himself for not getting his act together.

He thought hard about what could the occasion be, why Ked suddenly invited him over and also why didn't he attend class. He can't find an answer despite thinking about it since the start of his walk from campus to where he is now. It must be something serious, right?

"Well I won't know until I come in.." he thought to himself.

With a deep breath and a shake to remove his tension, he finally succeeded in giving the door a few knocks. The immediate feeling of his stomach dropping made him almost regret doing it, cursing yet again at himself, but decided to man up and face whatever it is that he is about to. The metal door opened a few seconds later.

A head of blonde hair emerged from inside the room. Ked had a warm playful smile on his face that successfully calmed Vinny's nerves.

"Come in, you'll like what you'll see." Ked opened the door wider to let Vinny in.

Vinny still couldn't find his voice as he silently made his way inside. The apartment is not large, however he could tell the rent must've costed quite a lot.

The first thing he noticed, the balcony far at the end of the room. There's a television on the wall, a blue couch across from it, and in between a small coffee table. On his right side was the kitchen, not interesting enough for Vinny to admire. A small passage on his left lead to two closed doors, and he guessed one of it must've been the door to Ked's bedroom. The place is quite fancy for someone like Vinny who lives in his late uncle's old house. He almost feels bad for just entering, feeling like an intruder.

"Take a seat on the couch. Oh and take your shoes off and put them here. I'll grab the thing." Ked said before heading to one of the doors on the corridor.

Vinny wasted no time and followed his orders. The way his body sinked into the soft couch surprised him a little. He wanted to lie down immediately but again, felt too bad for doing so.

"Hey Vinny?" Ked yelled, voice slightly muffled by the walls between them.

"Y-Yes?" Vinny mentally facepalmed himself for stuttering such a short word.

"Close your eyes!"

Vinny had no idea what to expect, so he did the only thing he could, and once again followed Ked's order, placing his hands on his eyes to cover them.

"Are they closed??" Ked's muffled voice appeared again.

The boy covering his eyes yelled back another yes with a voice full of curiosity. He could hear Ked's footsteps approaching, along with a.. panting sound?

Something moving and fluffy was put onto Vinny's lap.

"Okay, you can open them now."

A gasp escaped Vinny's mouth at the sight of a small white bichon sitting on his lap, looking up at him and wagging it's tail.

"Ked what the fuck?! Where'd you find it?" Vinny yelled not in anger, but quite the opposite.

Ked chuckled at the brunette who immediately gave the puppy lots of pets and ear scratches. He knew the boy would love dogs, and he has never been more happy to be correct.

"I found it barking in front of my door this morning. So I just picked it up." Ked explained, joining Vinny to pet the little bichon.

"Wait, is this why you weren't at campus today?!" Vinny asked, shocked at his own conclusion and looking up at Ked.

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