Chapter 3

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*The image (which I do not own, I found it on Pinterest!) serves only as an example of the beanie that'll appear in this chapter. Also, Felix is cute but he's not exactly how i picture any of my characters to look like. But if you like the sound of that, be my guest 😊

Enjoy some Vinny and Ked action in this one ;)


The three had made plans to go to campus together for the next day. Despite having classes start later in the day, Jude gladly initiated the plan, she had picked Vinny up and they both are now currently on their way to make one last stop.

Vinny is sitting in his usual spot on the passenger's seat. He had connected his phone to the audio player and is singing along to a song too loud for Jude's taste.

Jude doesn't care. Having her person of interest acting the complete opposite way he was yesterday, all quiet and nervous to his usual giddy and excited self, her heart is soothed by the tingly comforting warm feeling. This is the person she's in love with, and if seeing him happy means she has to sit through hours of hyperpop music blaring onto her ears then she'd let them bleed from it.

"This is a li~ttle too loud though." She says as her hand turned the volume control down, laughing to herself for speaking a little too soon.

"Not my fault your music taste sucks." Vinny said smugly, causing Jude to roll her eyes.

"We're here, tell Ked to come down." Jude said as she stopped her car in front of Ked's appartement building. Vinny pulled his phone out and sent a quick message to his new friend. He then took a good look at the apartment building.

"Kind of a fancy place." He commented, squinting his eyes as he looked up to see how tall the building is. Painted in black and grey, the building stretched up to about 20 plus floors.

"I know, right? It kinda suits him though. If that makes sense." Jude took a quick look for herself, but quickly averted her gaze to look at Vinny who's eyes is still glued outside. It took everything in her to not freak out over how cute he looked, head tilted upwards with his mouth slightly agape and his hands perched next to the window. An uncontained smile appeared on her face though, and her hand gripped the steering wheel just a little stronger for a second as she screamed internally.

"Yea i know what you mean.. he does seem ri- yoooo that's a cool beanie!" Vinny, interrupting himself, sat up straight and pointed at the blonde boy walking out of the doors. Jude looked to where he was pointing, spotting Ked immediately and noticing the beanie Vinny was talking about. It looked unassuming at first, though once you look further the beanie is pointed on it's two top sides, creating a cat ear look. Rather than cool, Jude thought it was cute.

"Dude, he can't see us. Pull the window down and call him." Jude says as she notices the boy looking around confused.

Vinny burst out laughing at Ked's awkward gesture. He followed Jude's order, calling Ked's name out after pulling the window down. Ked's face light up once he saw the car, soon jogging towards it with a hand clutching his cat ears beanie.

"Hey you guys!" He said upon entering the vehicle, closing the door after him.

"Cool beanie!" Vinny exclaimed, twisting his body to look back at Ked, earning a quick thanks from the latter.

Jude smiled at the two. "You boys ready to go?"

"Yup!" "Heck yeah!"

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