Of a Solution to Win

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"HAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHA!!! IT'S OVER KING!" Collector yelled villainously. "COLLECTOR! NO! PLEASE! I CAN EXPLAIN! I KNOW THIS IS A BAD LOOK FOR ME, BUT IT'S DOESN'T NEED TO COME TO THIS!!!" King yelled begging for mercy. "HA! Play your sadness card all you want! It won't save you in the end!" Collector yelled. Collector raises his hand, as King sweats fear from his fur. Collector laughs a villainous laugh again. Growing louder, and louder. King gets sweater and sweater. "Game over! King Clawthrone!" Collector yelled. And then, Collector, with an evil smile on his face, picks up his rook and takes out King's Queen. "Checkmate." Collector said. Yeah, turns out they were playing chess all along. "Dang it! How do you always win?" King asked. "I may look young, but I got a big boy brain," Collector replied. "Regardless, a good game of chess. I always get impressed by how you pull off every win." King said. "I'm just good I chess. [giggles]. Chess." Collector replied as he laughed. "Hahaha! Good one." King said. "Well, as promised. You can go check on Eda now. If she is feeling better, tell her I said hi." Collector replied. "Glad to see you are ok with me doing this," King said. "We are best buds after all. If you need to do something important, I shouldn't force you not to participate." Collector replied.  "Reminds me of a good human friend of mine,"  King said.  "Oh, Luz.  As if.  That pathetic wannabe witch is a joke."  Collector replied once again insulting Luz. "I'm going to leave now," King said disgusted.  "Have fun talking with Eda,"  Collector replied as he waves goodbye.  King ignores him, and presses onward. 

King walks right into Eda and Lilith's quarters.  There, we see what Lilith and her palisman are up to.  "Come on Edalyn! WAKE UP!" Lilith ordered as she poked a sleeping Eda with her staff. King walks over to his Mom and Auntie. "What happened? Too much apple blood?" King asked. "No. Apparently reading isn't in my sister's blood." Lilith replied. "Classic grumpy old witch. Ok, Eda. Wake up. [Eda still sleeps]. I mean it, Eda! Wake up!" King yelled. King begins to smack Eda's left eye with his paw and says weh at the same time. That's enough to wake her up. "Ow! Did you have to go for the eye?" Eda asked as she rubbed her eye. "You weren't waking up when we asked you to," King replied. "Well, thanks. Hold on. Give me five seconds." Eda said. Soon, Eda sneezes out her left eye, rubs it clean, and puts it back in her socket. "That's better. [looks at a horrified Lilith and King]. What?" Eda asked. "You love to find new ways to scare me," Lilith replied. "Enough with the Clawthrone history for body horror. Did you two make any progress with finding a solution?" King asked. "Not at all," Eda replied. "[sighs]. Well, this is great." King said. "Come on King. You know we will find a way to stop Collector. And look on the bright side, he seems okay with you checking on us." Lilith replied. "At the cost of him insulting Luz for no reason," King said. "Yeah, what is with that punk? Why doesn't he like the human?" Eda asked. "I have no idea, but it grinds my gears whenever he does that. Look, Collector and I are probably going to play more chess. Again. Take this time to find a solution. That means tons of reading, Eda." King replied. Eda hesitates despite what they are dealing with. "I mean it, Eda. Please just read. Luz would be happy if you read right now." King begged. "[thinks]. OK. For Luz. And the other witches of the Boiling Isles." Eda replied. "Thank you. Take care you two." King said as he left. King then sighs again at the fact this still hasn't come to an end.

    His sadness transitions back to a game of chess with Collector. "And that's how the Owl curse was made. All thanks to my sib, [freezes] the archivists." Collector said correcting himself. "You guys sure made a lot of curses for no reason," King replied. "You mean them?" Collector asked. "Yes. Them." King replied. "They really had a thing for making witch's lives miserable with magic. All I really did that involved scrolls was: find a way to make any object invulnerable, and send some titan blood to the human realm." Collector said. "[stops immediately]. Hang on! Did you say... send titan blood to the human realm?" King asked immediately. "It was a little DIY I came up with, and turns out your Old man was cool with it," Collector replied. "My old man? Wait, you knew my Dad?" King asked. "It's a long story I wish not to speak about. EVER! But yeah. Just a few vials of fresh titan blood. Can't remember how many I sent. What I do remember is that I was sent to a place called Gravesfield. [King gets more captivated]. That's where that jerk Belos came from. I remember since he has a whole basement of scrolls in his castle. Including the ones I made. Nothing too special." Collector replied. "You... don't say. And you are for sure you did that?" King asked. "Why do you want to know?" Collector asked back. "Uhhh, I was... just curious. I never met any of my siblings, or Dad, so I thought this was interesting to find out." King replied. "Are you sure? Because it seems you got intrigued by the idea of Titan blood." Collector asked. "Collector, would I lie to you? I set you free. I played your games. I already have Titan blood in me. I've proven my trust for you buddy." King replied trying to get by. Collector leans in very close to King. King giggles nervously, as Collector gets right into his face. "OK. I trust you." Collector said. King takes a deep breath of relief. "So, you also made a spell where any object can be invulnerable?" King asked. "Yep. It was a way to keep baby titans safe. Before their, never mind. That's where it ends." Collector replied. "Geez. Well, I was thinking, we should go get that scroll if it's out there." King said. "And why is that?" Collector asked back getting serious again. "Well, I think you told me there is a Titan heart here in the demon realm. One back at Belos' castle. Since that heart generates the power of the glyphs, I was thinking why not make sure it is safe forever? After all, no one is watching over it now that Belos is de, I mean, gone." King replied. "So you want me to use one of my scrolls on the Titan heart?" Collector asked. "Yes. Exactly that." King replied. "Wait, this isn't so you can get that Titan blood scroll I told you about?" Collector asked. "No! Not at all. I already proved my trust to you after all." King replied getting worried. "True, but you want to go and get it sounds like you want to get that Titan blood scroll. There is only one way to prove to me you aren't lying." Collector said. "And how is that?" King asked horrified. "We pinky promise on it. Pinky promise me you will only go to get that invulnerability scroll. It would make you look real bad if you broke a pinky promise." Collector replied. "Sure. I can make a pinky promise with you." King said. "OK then," Collector replied. He holds out his pinky, as King does the same with his. "Have both your hands out! Don't want to see any finger crossing crossing the road." Collector ordered. "Yeah. On it." King replied. He raises his other hand, and like that, both of them pinky promise. "Alright. Let's go." Collector said. "That's all we needed to do?" King asked. "What else do I need to do? A pinky promise is more than enough for me." Collector replied. "Gotcha. Let's go then." King said happy yet slightly worried what he agreed to.

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