"Does the pollen not smell good to master? I don't understand," Kara said, his expression changing to resemble a puppy who just wasn't able to figure out how training worked. 

The image of the man holding him somehow growing dog ears and a tail made Bin nearly burst out into a fit of laughter, but he managed to hold himself back, but just barely. 

"It smells good. It smells good!" he said with an entertained smile on his face. 

His response finally seemed to calm Kara down, because the miasma that normally shadowed part of his body slowly dwindled down to simple irrelevant wisps. 

He'd actually never seen it so restrained. 

"Would master like to smell good, too?" Karalius asked after a small bout of silence. 

Bin looked toward the tree, then back to Karalius, his smile still firmly in place. 


He was just about to turn back toward the tree, expecting Karalius to close the distance between them and it again, when he noticed him lift his free hand up to settle against his hair... right before he leaned in and gently rubbed his cheek against his own. 


Bin's heartbeat steadily increased to an uncomfortable, and unfamiliar, pace, as Kara continued to nuzzle his cheek like an attention-seeking feline. The man then moved back just enough to press his nose to the same spot. The soft exhale of his breath as Kara lifted his gaze to meet his own nearly had Bin leaning away in order to break the contact, but he didn't want to startle him again. 

So, he silently bit his tongue and endured the strange situation until, finally, with one last brush of noses, Karalius withdrew completely. 

"I have always liked master Binan's scent, but now he smells sweet, too." 

Bin looked away as Kara began to walk again, allowing them to fall into a comfortable silence. With the peace restored, Bin thought back to their current situation. He'd only ever been to Inkani's home once, and that was when the man had sustained grave injuries... from captain Moral. 

The town was considered a haven for pirates and thousands had flocked there for safety in numbers. The royal navy didn't dare set foot there. 

His thoughts on that subject faded away as they reached the top of the hill. They now stood in front of Inkani's large home, but for some reason, Karalius hesitated going inside. 

Do you want an invitation? 

Instead of getting a chance to voice that question, Bin was a bit surprised when Karalius suddenly turned and began walking around the outside of the home. 

"Kara, where are we going? You can go inside. Inkani won't mind," he said quickly, though his words didn't seem to have any affect on the man's comfortable pace. 

At least we aren't walking away, but still...

"Why don't you want to go inside?" he asked after a moment. 

As he waited for a response, Bin noticed one of Kara's thin wings whip about as a particularly strong gust of wind buffeted them. 

He reached out right as it drifted close enough, then caught it carefully between his fingers. 

It feels just like leather. 

Except it was much colder and thinner. 

"Kara, how did your wings get damaged?" he asked curiously as they made their way around to the back of the house. 

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