Chapter 19

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The royal guard was circling the area. 

Word had spread fast, and while no one was fleeing, because they really did have an incredible amount of power being gathered in such high numbers... 

"Master Binan is worried." 

Bin blinked out of his thoughts and walked out onto the balcony where Karalius patiently waited. The man had finally let him remain inside in order to rest, but he was still hesitating in following. 

The moment his bare feet stepped outside, however, the man was upon him, scooping him up and chastising him for walking outside without shoes on while he wasn't feeling well. 

"You should not be out here without shoes, Nana, and why do you still have marks beneath your eyes?" 

Bin pursed his lips and looked away, a little embarrassed at the nagging. 

"I-I'm just used to the rocking of the ship. I'm sure I'll get used to it being so still soon," he said honestly, ignoring the shoe comment altogether in favor of the other. 

He really didn't want it to seem like he needed to be rocked to sleep like an infant and, perhaps, not all of his sleepless nights could be blamed on such an excuse. 

He was nervous about the current situation between himself and Karalius, of course, but he was also worried about his master and his new pup. On top of that, he had wanted Karalius to come inside just in case the pirates that had settled the area as permanent residents, most of which being vampires, found him walking about. 

While vampires and the rare capable human were welcome, he wasn't too sure that Karalius would be given the same acceptance. 

"Won't you come in and rest with me?" he asked after a few moments of silence between them. 

That silence stretched on and on as Karalius looked off into the distance. 

I don't like that you're out here by yourself. 

Of course, he knew that his master had guards stationed in the shadows, but there weren't many, and now that Kara's wings had been removed, he was even more at risk. 

"I will look after master Binan from here. It is safer to guard from the outside," Karalius finally said before setting him back down on his feet. 

But it's not safer for you. 

When Karalius began walking over towards the railing, Bin pursed his lips and fought back a scowl. The man was his heir, and should have listened to what he was requesting, but no matter what he said, Karalius seemed determined to decline him. 

Frustrating man. 

"Take off your coat so that I can check your wounds," he said instead as he walked over to the man. 

Karalius paused for a moment, then turned around to face him with his normal calm, blank stare. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he wisely held his tongue and, instead, unbuttoned, then shrugged off his heavy jacket. 

You never even put your shirt back on... 

It was too cold to walk around outside with only one layer at night!

Now truly mad, Bin grabbed Kara's arm and promptly pulled him into the house, then used his abilities to slam the double doors to the balcony definitively shut! 

When he shoved the man down onto a padded stool a moment later, then spun him around so that he was facing his bandaged back, Karalius seemed too stunned to respond. 

Adrift-mxmजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें