Chapter 22

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Ilio shook out his thick coat as he wandered down the wooded path, following his nose to the one person who kept stubbornly avoiding him. 

He knew that Inkani had taken an excessive amount of his blood on purpose, but if he thought that a few nibbles was going to keep an alpha wolf down for long, he was sorely mistaken. 

His little babysitter hadn't even bothered coming after him, either. 

Karalius seems to have his attention quite well. 

Of course, he would have intervened if he'd sensed any malice from the man, because his mate's heir was still technically important to him, but when he'd felt absolutely nothing amiss, he'd taken off faster than a rabbit being chased by hounds. 

Now that he was nearly approaching the town, however, Ilio slowed and focused more on his surroundings. It was no surprise when he sensed some vampires nearby, clearly following him as he wandered along. It was also no surprise that they were keeping their distance, too. 

Glad I didn't let my Inka get away with just some bites. 

He'd pretty much rubbed their bodies together in any way he could manage while the man fed, all-but fusing their two scents together as one. 

No vampire would dare attack him without thinking twice about it when he smelled so much like Inkani. 

Slowing to a stop atop a small ridge, Ilio looked out across the land below, the trees extending nearly all the way to the sea. 

That's a lot of ships... and they're too close. 

He didn't like it. 

They all looked too well taken care of, and far too clean. 

Why are there so many? Where are all the pirate sh—his heart sank in his chest when he noticed a familiar mast... sticking just barely a meter out of the crashing waves beside one of the docks. 

Inka's ship...

Heck, there wasn't a single pirate ship still operable before his eyes. The royal navy had severely damaged or completely destroyed every last one. 

Why hadn't he said anything? 

They had just been relaxing and messing around the past few days, and yet...

Clenching his jaws together, Ilio snorted and pawed at the ground. 

Where is my vampire?

Leaping off the edge of the ridge, Ilio quickly bounded down the steep rocky slope, then through the forest below. 

Soon he was walking into town, his large paws making small depressions in the worn away dirt and sand. More and more eyes found their way to him as he approached the busy area. 

 He earned a few hisses as he passed close by several people, but his main focus was on picking up Inkani's scent amongst all the smells of body odor, food, and blood. 

No one seemed panicked yet, but they also weren't just lazing about, either. Everyone had something to do and the only thing any of them bothered to spare him were glares or grumbles. 

Pretty soon Ilio found himself by the docks, his hackles raised to pinpoints as his streamline body stood tall. He wanted to roar a warning across the boisterous waves and howling wind, but for once, he knew better than to provoke. 

A few humans or vampires was one thing, but an entire fleet of ships manned by a vampire they'd already had a close call with? He wasn't interested in bringing that kind of trouble to his man. 

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