Chapter 11

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Dinner was quite limited since they didn't have many humans on board. It was also brought up to his quarters since neither of them really wanted to bother going down to the galley. 

Add that to the fact that Ilio couldn't chew much at the moment because of his cut up mouth, so their options became even slimmer until they were left with what was now situated in front of a rather unhappy looking werewolf. 

I can't blame you for making that face. I wouldn't want to touch that slop, either. 

His pup also didn't look all that good now that he was actually looking him over. 

Wait a second...

Reaching forward, he pressed his palm to Ilio's forehead, then scowled. 

"When were you going to tell me that you were feeling sick again?" he asked, frustrated. 

Ilio leaned against his hand as he gave out a quiet moan of exhaustion. 

"My wolf was fine... but I don't think my human body works as well on a boat," he said as he moved his body slowly into a lying down position. 

Inkani pondered his words as his hand drifted down to settle against Ilio's back, then start rubbing gently of its own accord. 



He heard a little groan from the pup, but no other response afterward. 

"Change back into your wolf form." 

Ilio tilted his head enough to glance back at him with one eye, clearly on guard now. 

"Don't give me that look. I'm not going to skin you. If your wolf does better, then just stay as your wolf more often," he said, annoyed that he even had to say it out loud. 

Ilio slowly pushed himself back up into a sitting position, his expression a mixture of so many emotions that Inkani gave up on trying to read it. 

"What?" he eventually asked, becoming frustrated again. 

 With a growing, nervous smile, Ilio leaned forward until the guy was nearly about to climb into his lap!

"You won't skin me?" 

Inkani furrowed his brows, questioning anew, a werewolf's ability to understand English. 

Leaning forward, himself, Inkani firmly grasped Ilio's jaw, though he made sure his fingers were no where near his stitches.

"I. Will. Not. Skin. You. Now transform or I'm going to make you sleep on the deck so that you don't vomit in my bed." 

Ilio was a fluffy, giant wolf in the blink of an eye... and the look of pure delight on his fuzzy face made Inkani shove his jaw away with a roll of his eyes. 

"Your coat looks like shit right now anyways. What good would that thing do me?" he grumbled as he tried to lie back down. 

You son of a...

Straightening back up, Inkani turned and bared his fangs at the wolf that had situated itself behind him. 

"I have plenty of pillows, dog," he ground out, earning a quiet whine as Ilio hesitantly moved out of his way. 

Inkani was just about to lie down again when he noticed something that really made his blood boil. 

"You!" he growled as he pointed a finger right at Ilio's wet nose. 

"You shed like hell!" 

As if to dump a boatload of salt onto his wounds, the huge wolf simply licked its muzzle, then tilted its head with a questioning stare. 

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