Chapter 1

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(This is a spin-off from Alpha to Omega from around chapter 28-29. This story will feature brown wolf and can probably be considered stand-alone to a point, once it gets going.)

Too many people.

After being under the care of the local elder vampire's heir for nearly two weeks he was finally able to walk again. He probably shouldn't yet, but he wasn't very good at following directions.

Mainly because he was the one that always gave them, never the other way around.

Reaching up, he rustled his unruly mane of dark brown hair and gave a quiet grunting-growl. His human form really didn't suit him. He was a pretty bulky, dark brown werewolf but as a human... tch.

Tall, scrawny, and with a head of messy hair that just made him look like a young human that hadn't had time to tend to his hair properly... or just decided to leave it be intentionally. He was nearly seventy, and even though wolves could live much longer than humans, some even reaching two-hundred, he didn't want to look too young! 

Pausing at a busy corner, he glanced around, then tilted his chin up slightly to sniff the air.


He'd been following the scent ever since he'd stepped out into the overcast early morning. At the beginning it was only a faint scent brought in by the wind, but now it was easily traceable.

The elder vampire who had assisted him in healing his leg and the pup he'd brought to his town had given him some human money to go buy food, but the few fish he'd found at the market closer to the home he was temporarily staying at didn't smell nearly as fresh.

If he was going to buy food for his pack's last remaining pup, he wasn't going to get anything but the best. The little guy had survived a terrible attack from an invading pack while a lot of their larger wolves had been out hunting. He was the only one that made it.

Thanks to the vampire's heir.

The heir, Taru, was a fantastic doctor, and he hadn't hesitated to treat either his broken leg or the injured pup he'd been brought, even though human towns were rarely tolerant of werewolves, let alone willing to let one step inside their borders safely. 

He knew that the locals wouldn't tolerate him for long, though. The only reason they weren't already aiming silver arrows at him was because of his benefactor.

I owe elder Vrasje.

He really did. To be able to simply walk through a human town as a werewolf was not something to laugh about. He would definitely return the man's kindness when he was able.

Until then...

Turning his head, he sniffed the air again, then hurried in the direction he smelled not just fish, but salt water, too.

He was approaching the sea.

The thought of being close to such a large body of water was intimidating. He'd never been the best swimmer, and he highly doubted that his human body would fair much better at the task.

Thankfully, he didn't have to go fishing.

Almost there.

As he climbed to the top of a small cobblestone hill, he saw what he'd come for. Tons of it.

A massive fish market was set up on the long street leading directly to a string of wooden docks. Ships of all sizes were moored within feet of each other.

There was so much going on.

Too much.

Uncomfortable but determined, he forced himself to act calmly and headed for the market. The smell of fish drowned out every other scent by the time he got to the first booth.

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