Chapter 5

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Ilio had to focus everything he had on keeping his heartbeat somewhat calm. It was still a bit flustered from the interaction with the other vampires, but a sudden jump in beats wouldn't slip past Inkani. 

You can't skin me if I refuse to shift...

Of course, he knew that there were several different kinds of ways to get a werewolf to shift forms. Normally, threatening or outright attacking one was the easiest way. There were also several herbs, the strongest being wolfsbane, that could force a shift. 

He probably has plenty of that. No wonder he thought it was funny when I said that I wouldn't shift. 

Heaving an internal sigh, Ilio turned his attention away from the little snippets of conversation he was still catching from Inkani and let his focus change to something much more interesting. 

I wanna lick. 

If the man intended to skin him soon, surely he wouldn't mind at least a little attention from the wolf he understood had bonded with him. So, since he was already in the best position for the attention he wanted to give, Ilio simply leaned a little closer to the crook of Inkani's neck, then let his tongue slip from between his lips. 

The only response he got from the man holding him was the faintest fidget from the fingers he had settled against his waist. He was very good at keeping himself under control, it seemed. 

Disgusting dog. 

The thought was expected, so Ilio just shrugged it off as he went about gently cleaning his love's neck. After every couple licks he'd nuzzle his forehead against his cool skin, smiling even though he understood his predicament well. 

Shut up, there's nothing cute about it. 

Even though he was clearly thinking those words to his friend, Inkani was already settling a hand in Ilio's soft hair, rustling it gently as if to show affection. The man was completely two-faced in his actions, but not in his words. At least what he said internally matched his dark heart. 

Since the man was trying to act a little, Ilio didn't hesitate to continue his ministrations. 

Are you done yet, Bin...? I need to go wash this slobber off. 

Okay, now he was trying hard to hide his smile, because it had morphed into a giddy smirk!

"I forgot how good Ms. Laura's food is, I might just need seconds," Bin said, making Ilio nearly burst out into a fit of laughter. 

The man was using him to tease his captain. It probably wasn't the best idea, but it sure was entertaining. 

"Fine, stay here and eat. I'm leaving and so is the ship," Inkani finally grumbled as he got up from his seat with only a tiny bit of adjusting so that Ilio would stay in his arms. 

With the man's temper souring, Ilio finally leaned away and returned his tongue to his mouth. 

His neck is all red... 

He was pleased with his work. 

"Bye Ms. Laura, thank you for the meal," Inkani called to the woman who had gone into the back. 

He got a thankful shout in return, but the old lady was clearly busy so she didn't return to the front to see them off. 

A faint drizzle had evidently started up while they'd been eating, drawing Ilio's attention up to the sky for a few moments as the little droplets tapped against his skin. 

For a wolf who couldn't swim well, he really loved water in all of its other forms. 

"Happy, Ilio?" Inkani asked, a smile in his words as he began to make his way down the street. 

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