Chapter 13

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Ilio really didn't like Karalius. 

The only reason he was honestly helping or, really, two reasons, were because Bin didn't mind his intentions with his captain, and said captain was clearly worried about his subordinate's situation. 


In the next few moments he felt Bin's fangs finally retract, then familiar, strong arms easily lift him up and away. 

Karalius gave another, slightly louder growl than the ones he'd been grumbling while Bin had fed from him, but it was quickly answered by a much fiercer warning snarl. 

Karalius fell silent immediately. 

Ilio thought that Inkani would just carry him back to his room, but when they began going below deck, his fuzzy ears perked up and he lifted his now-human head. 

"Why did you keep those things out again?" Inkani asked as they finished descending, then headed down the same familiar hallway from before. 

Leaning back just enough to see the man in the darkness, Ilio tilted his head and flicked one of his wolfish ears. 

"Did lord Inkani not like them before?" he asked, a hint of disbelief to his words that evidently made the older man audibly scoff. 

Ilio waited for him to say something further, or order him to retract them, but when the man remained silent, Ilio tucked his head against Inkani's chest in order to hide his pleased grin. 

When they walked into the galley it was quite a bit busier than it had been before. Most of the people present were drinking glasses of blood or nibbling at pieces of raw meat. 

Ilio didn't really mind when all eyes turned to them, but he did give out a quiet grumble when he saw someone heading directly for them. 

He also felt Inkani's hands covering up his naked backside a bit more, though he didn't pay that much mind. 

"Captain, what's going on with that demon on deck? Master Bin..." 

Inkani continued walking as the man spoke, forcing him to fall into step with him until he finally stopped next to a worn pair of wooden double doors. 

"Leave them be. Even if you lot wanted to help, Karalius would just kill you, leaving me with next to nothing for a crew. I will deal with him if the situation arises."

The man looked more than a little bit surprised, but it didn't take him long to school his features and nod respectfully. 

"Understood, captain. We will be ready if you need us." 

Inkani returned the man's nod, then nudged open the double doors and stepped into a much quieter, dimly-lit back room. 

Ilio was then set down on a faded leather stool before Inkani began gathering items from the old shelves. Not wanting to be a bother, Ilio patiently waited... until Inkani looked like he was heading for the doors again!

His vampire must have sensed his unease, because he slowed to a stop before looking over his shoulder. 

"Stay here and behave. I'll be back in a few minutes." 

He didn't want to stay there, and honestly, he also didn't want to behave, but Ilio did both without a fuss anyways. 

The man was definitely gone for more than a few minutes, however, and soon he found his mind wandering. The first thing that came up was his pack. 

Having been the leader, he was never the closest to any one specific wolf. It wasn't easy for an alpha to find a reliable mate, and he honestly hadn't been looking very hard, either.   

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