Chapter 20

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Why isn't he trying to cover up... at least a little? 

He knew that his pup didn't mind being naked in front of others, but for some reason it was bothering him now. 

Even though the garment maker said that he'd get the most accurate measurement without any type of clothing in the way, Inkani had still offered Ilio a small undergarment for modesty. 

He should have known that it would be declined, though, because what werewolf gave a damn about modesty?  He was quite well endowed, too, so even if he did get embarrassed, it wouldn't have been because of that!

While Ilio stood perfectly still with his back ramrod straight, Inkani was fighting himself not to scratch a million different itches that were suddenly popping up all over his body. 

This damned dog, kissing me repeatedly only to turn around and let some random old man measure him from head to toe! 

Of course, he was the one who had called the man to his home to do exactly what he was doing so that they could get Ilio some clothing that actually fit, but he was still uncomfortably mad about it. 

Granted, he could have gotten a woman, but the only available tailors in the area were all young and... just too young! 

"I won't look at anyone else. Inkani is the only one that I want to be mine," Ilio said, making Inkani nearly jump out of his skin, and the window, startled by the sudden admission, and right in front of the tailor, at that!

Thankfully, the old man kept his mouth shut and remained busy and professional until he finally stepped away, marking one last measurement on his notepad before turning toward him with a slight bow. 

"I have a few things in his size, but the majority of it will have to be made. I can have what you requested done in about a week, if that suits your lordship?" the man said with a firm, sure voice that beget his years of experience. 

Pleased, Inkani nodded his head and tossed the man a pouch of coins. 

"That will be fine. That's half the payment. I'll give you the other half when you deliver the garments," he said, making the tailor quickly nod his agreement. 

"Very good, my lord. I will have them done and see you in one week. Take care." 

The man couldn't have left any faster. 

Now then...

Staring pointedly at Ilio, Inkani opened his mouth to reprimand him, but when no words came to mind concerning his misgivings, he slowly closed it and scowled down at the floor. 

He soon noticed a pair of familiar, bare feet step into view, forcing him to lift his gaze until it was level with Ilio's. 

"What do you want?" he asked, trying to make his voice sound annoyed, but really just seeming like he was running out of steam to confront the man standing before him. 

Ilio remained quiet for a few moments but Inkani could hear the gears turning in his mind as he considered what to say. They hadn't known each other for all that long really, but he couldn't deny that Ilio had definitely grown up a bit. 

He's actually thinking about what to say in order to try and keep me from grumbling at him, instead of just blurting out what he wants. 

"Can we go for a run?" 


He hadn't expected him to request such a simple thing, but at the same time, it made sense. He'd been restricting the man's movements so that he didn't wander off and get hurt, since most vampires weren't fans of werewolves to begin with. 

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