Chapter 35: The End

Start from the beginning

The next day, in his bedchambers, Henry was lost in his thoughts and his mind had drifted off to his past and his other wives. The first one he thought of was Catherine of Aragon, Elizabeth and Mary's mother. He remembered the good times he and Catherine had. Then when Elizabeth 1st and Mary came along, it felt his life was complete for a short while. Elizabeth was his precious jewel and Mary became his pearl. The King remembered how he had many affairs during his marriage with Catherine and how distraught she would become, especially when one of the affairs gave him an illegitimate son. Suddenly, he felt a presence in his bedchamber, causing him to look up. Henry sighed and said, "Why are you here?" Catherine appeared in a black dress with Mary and Elizabeth 1st appearing by her sides and replied, "I think you know, Henry. I came to see our daughters, Elizabeth and Mary. *Henry looked surprised* Why should that surprise you, Henry? You have not always been kind to them." Henry glanced at Elizabeth, who had black on as well with a solemn look on her face, and said, "I have so, Catherine." Catherine shook her head and replied, "Not when they were young. I have wept so often to see Mary alone for a long time. Had it not been for my dear, sweet, and caring Elizabeth, she would have never been able to have a husband to call her "wife" or children to call her "mother". Elizabeth stayed in your good graces because she was afraid to anger you." Henry walked towards Catherine's ghost and Mary and Elizabeth's spirits and said to his deceased ex-wife, "Is that why you have come back, Catherine? To chide me for all that I am not?" Catherine slightly shook her head and replied, "No, I have not. *She glanced at Elizabeth* All Elizabeth has ever done is to try to make you proud. She wants so much to make you happy as well." Henry glanced at Elizabeth with a soft smile and said, "I am so very proud of her, and Mary. So fiercely proud. *His smile then turned into a glare when he turned to look at Catherine* Go away, Catherine."
Catherine just smiled softly and said, "You've sent me away before even though I loved you but I was still your wife in God's eyes." Henry turned away then turned back only to see that Catherine, Elizabeth, and Mary were gone. Awhile later, his thoughts then drifted off to Anne Boleyn, feeling his heart break for how much she had begged to spare her life when she was accused of adultery. Henry remembered how she begged to think of their own Elizabeth, her voice breaking as she shouted at him. There was another presence that entered the room as Henry was taking a drink of his wine. He sighed to himself, knowing fully well on who it was, and said, "Why are you here?" A woman's voice replied, "To see my daughter. She was the only pure thing in my life and in my life, I neglected her since she was only a girl and I wanted so much to give you a son."

Henry stood and walked passed the woman, who revealed herself to be Anne Boleyn, Henry's second wife. He didn't reply, hoping she would go away like Catherine before her. Anne continued, "But now I am so proud of her, fiercely proud of her. *Elizabeth 2nd's spirit appeared next to Anne, causing Anne to bring her hand to touch her daughter's chin* She is so clever, and though she is like me in many ways, she is not intemperate as I was. You must be proud of her too, Henry." Henry rolled his eyes slightly, while he did love Elizabeth 2nd, there was no denying that he favored Elizabeth 1st, his first eldest daughter. He turned back to face Anne, who also worn black, and said, "I am so......very proud of her. And I know how clever she is, and I wish I could love her more. *He sniffled slightly* But from time to time, she reminds me of you and what you did to me." Anne shook her head and replied, stepping towards her husband, "I did nothing to you. I was innocent. All the accusations against me were false. I thought you knew. I am forever grateful that Elizabeth 1st took our Lizzie underneath her wing. She's an absolute saint in my eyes and I know she will be welcomed by myself and the others when her time comes to reach the golden gates of Heaven. *Her mind then went to her cousin, Katherine Howard* Poor Katherine Howard, she lies in the cold ground next to me, poor child. It was not her fault either but we were like two moths drawn to the flame and burned." Anne smiled slightly at Henry and turned to leave, walking towards her daughter. Henry inhaled sharply and said, turning to look at his second wife, "Anne, please don't........." However, when he turned, Anne and their daughter were gone. The next day, Henry was standing in a room of the castle by himself. It wasn't quiet though since he could hear the sounds of laughter and conversation between his courtiers on the outside of the room. A woman's voice said, grabbing the man's attention, "How is my son?" He took a deep breath in when he felt another presence and said, knowing who it was, "Jane. *He walked towards his beloved third wife* He is well. I have taken all care of him. Sweet Jane. Even though Elizabeth will be Queen after me, he is the Duke of York as he is my only son." Jane shook her head at her husband and replied, "My poor boy, my poor child." Henry shook his head and said, "No. He is the most beloved. He thrives under the care of his eldest sister with her own children." Young fourteen years old Edward's spirit appeared next to his mother and stepped forward to go to his father but was held back by Jane, who placed her hand on his shoulder. Henry said, looking at Edward with tears brimming his eyes, "He is my special boy." Jane said, "He will die young." Henry shook his head fiercely and replied, pointing his finger at the woman, "No, no." Jane said, a sorrowful look on her face, "Poor child, you expected too much of him, he was only a boy. The same way you did with dear, sweet Elizabeth. When she and I were friends in the past life, she confided in me on how much pressure she was under and she had wished that she would be free from all of it. She deserves so much better, as do the others. Kings too are made of clay. And God forbid, you locked him away like your father did with you. *Henry denied what Jane had said* Don't you understand? *Her voice broke as she spoke her next words* You have killed him and you will kill Elizabeth too." Henry broke down into sobs while Jane and Edward walked away.

A few days later, Henry VIII had ordered that a portrait be painted of him by Hans Holbein, one of the greatest artists of all Europe. He wanted to be remembered as a strong and powerful King, not weak and sickly. When Hans presented him the first draft, Henry denied it and told him how he wanted presented. While he busied himself with resting, Elizabeth 1st and James thrived as permanent regents. They were keeping the council in check and making sure that things were taking care of. Now with the treaty between England and France intact, there was no need for war in the near futures. As time drew near for his death, Henry was told that his painting was finished. Elizabeth came with her father to see the painting, both escorted by Hans Holbein. They were escorted to another big room in the castle where a giant painting stand stood, holding a covered canvas. Hans stood by the canvas and said, "Your Majesty? Your Royal Highness?" Henry nodded at the young man, waving his hand. Hans then pulled the tarp off of the canvas, revealing Henry's portrait. Elizabeth gasped softly at the painting, holding onto her father's hand. Henry inhaled sharply, taking in the marvelous sight. The painting revealed exactly how he wanted to be remembered as time passed on. Shortly after Henry and his daughter were shown the painting, King Henry VIII Tudor of England passed away and Elizabeth 1st became Queen Elizabeth 1st Tudor-Valois of England and France with James as her King Consort.

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