They Didn't Even Notice

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Art Deco- Lana Del Rey
"They all say hello but you try to ignore them because you want more."

Valentine's day.

Cassidy's most hated day of the year.

The only thing she doesn't like about Christmas is the fact she knows Valentine's is around the corner. As a mathematician and over achiever in school, she didn't think love was real. Does she now, with Ni-ki? She isn't sure, but all she knows is that she absolutely and utterly hates Valentine's day.

Even since she was little, she's had a deep sense of despair for the holiday. From the chocolates to the overpriced roses, she hated it. She remembers how she would walk in the hallway, glaring at the couples kissing by their lockers and exchanging gifts, adorned in that awful color pink. Another thing she hates.

Mostly she'd dread it because she knew she'd feel lonely. Those side eyes to the couples were laced with jealously that she didn't have the same. Secretly, after boasting to her friends about how much she hated it and she'd indulge in their shocked expressions, she'd go home and cry herself to sleep.

Thats why she's so shocked when she wakes up and she actually feels excited for Valentine's day. It's strange, yes, for her at least. Why is she excited?

Ni-ki, of course. After the whole...Seventeen thing, life has been enjoyable. Sure, it has only been a few weeks but she appreciated life a lot more with him in it. From his good morning texts to the random flowers he leaves in her room. She's just been happier.

Also, most importantly, they have reaffirmed the fact that Cassidy is Ni-ki's valentine. He seemed overly optimistic about the whole idea, which imprinted onto Cassidy. At first, she was pretending to make him happy, and eventually she found herself excited too. Thats why she's standing in front of her closet right now, trying to decide what to wear for the first time in her life.

Her outfits are usually consistent, full of goodwill clothes that looks like something her mom would wear in 2006, and she typically hates dressing outside of her comfort zone, so she never really think about what to wear. She doesn't care. But now, she's holding up the only article of pink clothing she owns: a sweater her mom insisted on buying her.

She doesn't know why she hates pink, she just does. Taylor has preached to her many times that pink is, in fact, a lifestyle, but Cassidy never agreed. Plus, it's one of the only things her and Ni-ki agreed on when they were in their early fighting days.

She sighs, finally deciding to throw on the soft sweater. What's the worst that could happen?

She makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen that smells like freshly baked french toast. Her mother is standing in the kitchen, humming along to an upbeat pop song. Her hair is tied into a twist and her pink apron is dusted with flour. She turns around and lets out a delightful gasp.

"Oh, Cassidy, how wonderful! Finally celebrating Valentine's day? Is it because of your boyfriend?!" She exclaims. Cassidy can't help but smile as she takes a bite of the french toast. She still hasn't told her mom her and Ni-ki aren't dating. For some reason, she doesn't want to.

"Yeah, thanks to him. Hey, mom, he told me he has a surprise for me tonight. Is it okay if I stay at his house tonight?" Cassidy asks. Her mom smirks at her.

"Yes, of course, honey. Make sure to be safe," She winks at her. Cassidy fakes a gagging noise.

"Gross, mom."

-Later, at school-

"Look, look what Heeseung got me!" Taylor exclaims, bounding up to Cassidy's locker. With a smirk on her face, Cassidy closes her locker, facing her friend.

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