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Scary Love- The Neighbourhood
"Your love is scaring me, no one has ever cared for me as much as you do."

Ni-ki is the first to pull away. Cassidy didn't want to break the hug first since she didn't know how long he needed it, so she let him decide. He sighs as he pulls away. He still hiding his feelings from her, his true sadness. She doesn't want to push him, however. He's obviously really sensitive, so she doesn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I really don't want to go out there. I think I'm gonna head home," He says lightly, looking at her. She looks up at him too.

"You're already here. What's the point in leaving?"

"It's fucking embarrassing, that's why. I'll look like an idiot," Cassidy smiles lightly at him, stepping foward and grabbing his hand. Ni-ki gasps lightly, but he doesn't jump away like he would've before.

"Then we'll look like idiots together," She breathes lightly. Ni-ki smiles, seemingly despite himself. She leads him out of the stall and into the hallway, never once letting go of his hand.

A few minutes later, they reach English class. Cassidy takes a deep breath in, dropping his hand. Collecting her bravery, she opens the door.

Everyone goes quiet. Heads poke up and curious eyes wonder to them. Even Mrs. Gates quiets down, her raised finger slowly lowering.

Slowly exhaling, Cassidy walks further into the classroom, walking towards her seat. She looks back, seeing Ni-ki frozen at the door. She's never seen him so frozen before, not knowing what to do.

"Yeah, apparently he's a virgin."

"That's so cringy, he was lying about all the girls he sleeps with," Various whispers are pierced through the silence as people stare at him. Redness starts to cover his face again. An idea suddenly sparks Cassidy.

Faking a dramatic fall, she 'accidentally' trips over her own foot. In the most extravagant way she can, she tumbles to the floor, her backpack flying across the room. Suddenly, everyone's stare directs to her, laughing out loud. Even Mrs. Gates giggles a bit.

Amara and Taylor rush over to help her out, and Cassidy peeks behind her to look at Ni-ki. Quickly, he makes his way towards his desk. He flashes her a grateful smile, and Cassidy smiles back. It went just what as she planned.


-A few periods later-

"No, did you hear that Katie's boyfriend was sleeping with a girl from the cheerleading team?" Amara remarks as they make their way through the hallways. Cassidy can still feel people staring at her.

"Yes! And apparently that girl had a pregnancy scare!" Taylor says in response. Maybe, before, Cassidy would've been more interested in the rumors, but she doesn't like them as much anymore.

Eyes still on them, they push through the doors. Still chatting, Amara and Taylor stalk off towards the lunch line whilst Cassidy pulls out her lunch. She greets her other friends, sitting down.

Of course, she can't help but look over towards Ni-ki. He's already at his table, and he's looking down, fiddling with his thumbs. The rest of Enhypen isn't there, even though she saw some of them earlier. Maybe they went home?

Cassidy looks over at him longingly, feeling so bad for him, more than she thought she ever could. Even if she felt eyes on her, it must've been worse for him. Practically everyone is staring at him, whispering in their friends ears and letting out quick giggles.

She shakes her head in disbelief. Do they have nothing else to do with their lives? She isn't letting him go through this alone; as much as he annoys her, no one should have to do that.

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