
The pink haired boy sat at his favorite table in a corner of his uni's cafeteria, with his best friend next to him and Jongho in front. They were just having a simple chat, Wooyoung munching on his third plate of sushi, until-

"Yo isn't that your baby daddy?

Wooyoung looked up, mouth still stuffed with a roll, "Mhm?", he mumbled.

His eyes scanned the room and stopped at the door. There he was. Wooyoung hastily swallowed his food, intensely staring at the handsome volleyball player who just walked into the crowded cafeteria.

"Fuck", he whispered, quickly straightening his posture and ruffling his hair, trying to make himself look presentable again after he just ate the whole menu.

"How hot do I look? Scale 1-fuck my brains out", he asked his, very amused, friends. Eyes still fixated on the older.

"You look just as slutty as you did 5 minutes ago", Jonhgo answered, looking rather unbothered by the situation.

"Perfect", Wooyoung smirked, taking his drink and standing up. He quickly started walking towards the entrance when Felix grabbed his hand, "Where the fuck are you going?"

Wooyoung quickly shook the hand off him, glancing at his friend, "Don't touch me, he might get the wrong idea of us!".

Jongho chuckled, "Please. He's literally not even looking here".

With a little 'tzz' Wooyoung straightened his back again and turned towards his target. He took one last deep breath before walking right towards him.

His friends watched in disbelief as Wooyoung was now only a few meters away from San, when suddenly his eyes dropped to the drink in his hands. He suddenly seemed to have an extreme interest in that drink because his eyes seemed stuck to it. And even though he stared at his cup so intensely, he still continued walking, fast, right towards San until-


"Oh my god..I'm so sorry I didn't watch my steps, I-"

"Yeah for fucking sure you didn't watch your steps! You fucking bastard SOAKED me"

"I really didn't mean to! Please let me make it up to you, I'll buy you your meal?"
San looked at the shorter man in disbelief.

Wooyoung had INTENTIONALLY bumped into the older, just to get his attention. The whole room gasped and went quiet immediately. All eyes were on the pair.

"I'm on a diet you little peace of shit, I didn't even come here to eat!", San continued to curse the other, getting more irritated by the second.

Wooyoung let out a soft 'oh' and put on his biggest puppy eyes. The loud, sassy guy completely changing into a cute, innocent boy.

"Diet? But aren't you an athlete? You need to eat! Come on I'll make it up to you, let me just buy you-"

"Fuck off", San shut him up again, and for the first time actually looked at the younger.

Wooyoung was being scanned from top to bottom by him and God, he liked that. He prettily fluttered his eyelashes at him, trying to make himself look as subby as possible.
San's eyes came to a halt. On his hair.

The taller let out a deep, disgusted grunt, "I don't wanna look at your gay ass for any longer"

"Bro, chill. That's such an unnecessary comment"

Wooyoung's eyes traveled to the guy next to San, who he actually hadn't noticed till now.

"Whatever. Grab your food, I sadly NEED to get changed", San's cold eyes stared holes into his head, Wooyoung could feel it.

"Seonghwa! There you are, why aren't you responding to my message?", suddenly a familiar voice chirped in. Jongho.

"You know that guy?", Wooyoung sounded more than just confused, matching San's facial expression.

"Of course I know him, I'm his tutor"

San's jaw went slack, turning to look at his friend in disbelief, "You're getting tutored by a second year? How the fuck does that even work?"

"The year doesn't matter bro. He's just really good at explaining stuff and I'm in desperate need of a better grade", Seonghwa answered, looking clearly embarrassed by the situation.

Wooyoung broke the weird tension by clearing his throat, making everyone look at him again.
"So, how should I-"

"No", San interrupted him, looking just as annoyed as before.

"San don't be a bitch and let that poor boy make it up to you", Seonghwa nudged his side, earning an eye roll in return.

"Poor boy?", Jongho joined in, looking clearly confused by the not so true statement, until he felt Wooyoung aggressively step on his toe, "Ow what the fu-"

"Yes please", Wooyoung interrupted him, looking at San with big puppy eyes.

San sighed, looked at Seonghwa, then at Jongho and lastly at Wooyoung, before silently turning around and walking straight out of the room.

Wooyoung pinched his eyebrows together in annoyance. His fake innocence fading within seconds, before turning to Jongho, "He was just about to say yes you little peace of shit, show me SOME respect at last! I'm your HYUNG!".

Seonghwa blinked his eyes at him in disbelief, "Don't worry that much, San will forget about all this soon", he tried calming the very frustrated Wooyoung down, "But If it's really that important to you, you could just get him a drink at the party or something".

Wooyoung's eyes lit up with interest, "Party?"
The taller nodded, "Yeah", he took out his wallet and turned to the food counter, "Some first year's are throwing a party and most of us are going. San's also gonna be there"

Wooyoung practically started shining, "That's perfect", he smiled at the other, "When does it start?"

Seonghwa started stacking sushi on his plate, "Party starts at 9 or something but we usually get there later. Just follow the music I guess"

Wooyoung happily nodded and showed a big thumbs up to Felix, who had watched the whole drama, still sitting at their table.

"Can I bring my friends?"

Seonghwa finished paying for his meals before turning to him again, "Why would you ask me? Do I look like I give a fuck?", he chuckled, giving Wooyoung a final grin before turning to Jongho.

"I'll text you", he started walking backwards, away from the two, "No tutoring on weekends though!!"

And with that, they were left alone.

Wooyoung had a satisfied grin on his face. This is everything he waited for. A party would be the perfect place to get into San's pants without making too big of a deal out of it. Alcohol always helps and San is a well known Fuck-Boy. He lowly chuckled to himself. This is gonna be too easy.


"You're a menace"

...To be continued

Part 3 let's goo,
Woosan's first meeting under very weird circumstances. But don't worry, Wooyoung knows how to use his skills (;
Let's see how the party goes???
See you tomorrow!!

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