chapter 11

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                     KIARA POV

  I move closer to Jarden, I rest my head gently against their chest, finding solace in their comforting presence. The steady rise and fall of Jarden's breath create a sense of calm as if their heartbeat is a soothing lullaby.

   In this moment, the world outside fades away, and all that matters is the warmth and security I feel in Jarden's embrace. There's a sense of trust and understanding as if we share an unspoken bond that transcends words. It's in these simple moments of closeness with Jarden that I find a sense of peace, knowing I'm not alone in this journey. Jarden offers comfort and support, reminding me that I have someone I can rely on, no matter what. So, in this small act of seeking comfort with Jarden, I'm reminded of the power of connection and the beauty of human warmth. It's these moments that make life's challenges a little easier to bear.

  It seems like my movements woke Jarden up. He raised his head staring at me before smiling.

  " best sleep ever" he murmured before lowering his head to kiss me on my cheeks. " good morning love". I smiled hiding my face on his chest.  He chuckled.

  " as much as I love spending all my morning in bed with you, we will not want to miss that appointment right?"

I groaned out loud, then turned my head to look at Jarden.

  " kiss me" I murmured.

  Jarden looked at me thoughtfully. His gaze was soft and focused as if he was trying to read my mind. His eyes lingered on my face as if he was trying to understand me on a deeper level. It made thoughtful gaze.

  " you don't want to?" I asked staring at him intensely.

" no, it's just surprising ".

  "Okay, since you don't want to, I can just....." I was cut short by jarden lips on mine. His soft lips caressed mine so well. Kissing him was addictive, his lips were. His lips moved perfectly on mine.

  " I missed this" Jarden murmured in between the kiss, moving his hands to the back of my neck.

  We are kissing like crazy. Like our lives depend on it. His tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding, and it’s nothing like I’ve ever experienced, I suddenly understand why people describe kissing as melting because every square inch of my body dissolves into his. My fingers grip his hair, pulling him closer. My veins throb and my heart explodes. I have never wanted anyone like this before. Except him.


  We both got dressed,  ate breakfast then went for a meeting, at least it wasn't as boring as yesterday's own.

We were already inside the car going back to the hotel.

  " so... sorry about yesterday's question " Jarden apologised.

  "Which question?" I asked.

  " I was asking if you had sex, obviously you did, you already have two kids so..." he laughed nervously. I sigh Turning my head towards the window. I did not want to talk about this. I know this morning's stuff was just a one-time thing.

  " the last meeting we have is tomorrow which is Friday, we can go back on Sunday or Monday".

  "What happened to Saturday?" I asked.

  "hmm the private jet won't be ready then " I nodded Turning my head back.

  We stopped at a place "SUPERMERCATO CONAD" Boldy written at the building.

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