chapter 9

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Who knows kissing could actually make you forget about your problems. I felt that spark, the spark that I felt years ago, it felt the same. I couldn't just stop myself from liking and wanting more. We kissed each other hungrily,
I move my lips against his, wanting more, but more of what, I cannot say. then his other hand comes up, the warm fingers grasping my waist, pulling me even closer still. I am lost in his kiss, and all my defences give way before this hot, hungry mystery that lies between us.

We knew that if we didn't stop now we will eventually do something that I will later regret but damn I missed this, jarden grabbed my ass giving it a light squeeze before pushing me on his bulge. I gasped when I felt how big and hard he was. I wanted to stop, stop right away but my body didn't want to stop.
That is when I hear the rap at the door.

he pulled away, slowly, and we both turned to look who entered the room.

" oh shit, I'm so sorry sir, so sorry," the guy said and quickly ran out.

I jumped from his body immediately running out to my room.

Oh God. What have I done!!!

This is just day 1, just day 1 but we have already kissed, not even a peck.

I really need to stop this, I can't do this anymore not with Jarden, who ruined my life by leaving me seven years ago.

I sat on the floor, staring at my feet thoughtlessly. I was ashamed of myself, always weak, weak when it comes to Jarden and I am sure he loves it, he loves seeing me weak all the time.

I forgot that I was hungry after that instead I stayed in the room throughout.

That evening I sneaked into the kitchen to get food, jarden would have probably prepared or bought something for dinner. Everywhere was dark in the kitchen only the fridge light could be seen. I looked at every corner of the fridge, my stomach groaned when I saw the ice cream.

Thank God, I brought it out and immediately started digging in. I know ice cream wasn't going to satisfy me but I couldn't care less, as long I did not meet jarden then I'm okay.

" you know there is something like an ulcer and heart seizure right?"

I jump slightly, feeling a rush of surprise and even a bit of fear. My heart raced for a moment as I turned around to see Jarden there my expression turned to a mix of shock and confusion. Oh shit, he caught me.

I quickly compose myself, trying to hide any uneasiness or discomfort I may be feeling. I then responded to Jaden, trying to maintain a calm and collected demeanour, but deep down I felt uneasy.

" non of your fucking business" I turn to my ice cream taking another scoop.

" fucking?" Jarden asked smirking. I scoffed in disgust.

" motherfucker" I regretted what I said immediately after it left my mouth.

" I know I am, that's why I wanna fuck you so bad," Jarden said almost in a whisper. I hate to find this sexy but it was.

" you disgust me" I spat out before
I wanted to walk away, but Jarden held my hand and started to drag me back. I could feel his grip tighten as he pulled me closer to himself. It was a mix of surprise, confusion, and a sense of being trapped.

My heart raced as I struggled against his hold, my mind racing with questions about his intentions. I wondered why he was so insistent on keeping me close, he was the one who left for seven good years straight. His hands moved to caress my waist.

Falling for my Stepbrother {silent secret} 2Where stories live. Discover now