(Special) Character glossary I

Start from the beginning

Bellec Fendrel
Age: 60
An caring priest that witnessed the horrors from his time from vampirism plague and other sorts of supernatural, he was trained under a Archbishop to become the next Archbishop of the Knights of the Holy Order. It is his duty to protect the innocents and vanquish evil.

 It is his duty to protect the innocents and vanquish evil

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Audric Garnier
Age: 50
Cunning and stern, always dedicated his life to hunt down monsters. Audric is always fairly stationary. He is a go-to guy for supernatural research. He had grown amassed quite a bit of knowledge over the years, he knows heavily of Vivian & Lance Sinclair during his younger days when he was a Knight in the Order, till eventually he earned the title of Grandmaster by his mentor, Grandmaster Galahad, taking responsibility to train generation of Hunters and helping the people around the world.

 He had grown amassed quite a bit of knowledge over the years, he knows heavily of Vivian & Lance Sinclair during his younger days when he was a Knight in the Order, till eventually he earned the title of Grandmaster by his mentor, Grandmaster Gal...

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Vivian Becker
Age: 37
Vivian Becker was raised in the streets as a thief till she became a Hunter after Audric was impressed by her skills, she serves as an Assassin that blends in stealth, cunning and deadly precision to strike from the shadows with twin blades that's coated with venomous concoction. Vivian is a soft spoken individual, she says very little what needs to be said, she is also very perceptive and analytical, taking very detailed notes about her environment, her enemies, and the people she meets. She's one of the most deadly She's the wife of Lance Sinclair.

 She's one of the most deadly She's the wife of Lance Sinclair

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