"Show us the scan." Peter said. Spider-Bot materialized an image of a metal man in a cloak. Upon closer look, Peter recognized the person.

"Are these scans accurate?" Peter said. Spider-Bot confirmed it. There was almost no doubt who it is

"Do you know Archer of Red's Master?" Saber asked. Peter nodded.

"I think so." he said "the man whose Archer's Master is one of the most dangerous men on the planet. Victor von Doom."

Doctor Doom was one of the most comically evil villains on Earth. But he had the power and intelligence to be a very legitimate threat to the world. There have been plenty of times where Doom had almost taken Earth over. If someone like him got his hands on the Holy Grail, his goal of word domination would come to fruition.

"First Gwen now this." Peter muttered "why can't I have anything nice for a change?"

"Wait." Saber raised her hand "we're not alone." Peter's Spider Senses confirmed what Saber said. They're being watched. He got his web shooters ready and Saber created her invisible sword.

"Whoa whoa whoa there's no need to be so aggressive." a high pitched voice said. They were looking at a girl in black and white with a short white cape. She had short pink hair with a single streak of white.

"Who are you?" Saber demanded "speak or else I'll end your life now." The girl waved her hands in front of her chaotically.

"AH! Please don't kill me!" she squealed. Saber glared at her then lowered her weapon.

"She's a Servant." Saber told Peter "but she should be friendly to us."

"Who are you?" Peter asked the girl in front of them.

"Okay look, my name is Rider. Rider of Black." She explained "my True Name is Astolfo." Peter blinked.

"Astolfo? Like one of Charlemagne's paladins?" Peter said. Rider tilted her head.

"Yup. Thats me! Why, what's wrong?"

"I mean...it's just...I didn't know you were a woman." Peter said

"Oh no I'm a guy!" he said cheerfully. Peter and Saber looked at each other. They were thinking the same thing.

"Well if you're Rider of Black. Then that means we're on the same team. Which means we have
have ourselves another Servant and Master." Peter said. He then looked around.

"Speaking of, where exactly is your Master?"

"That would be me, Spider-Man." A woman with long grey hair and greenish eyes walked out of the shadows. She had a slim body but an intimidating presence.

"Normally I prefer to stay in a safer place" she said "however, when dealing with other Masters of Black, it's for the best we meet face to face."

"So you're Astolfo's Master?" Peter asked.

"WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!" Rider of Black yelled "don't go around using my True Name like that! Just call me Rider or Rider of Black, sound good?"

"Errr sure Rider. Still that doesn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"Who are you, Master of Saber?" Rider's Master responded.

"Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."  he told her. The woman rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, I don't need your superhero name." she told him "I'd prefer your real name."

"Yeah no I'm not saying my real name."
Peter replied "It's called a secret identity for a reason. Besides, how do I know you're even a Master of Black and not a Master of Red?"

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