19....love him or love him not.

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The sun disappeared into the horizon, giving way for darkness to take over. A gruesome separation taking place at the same time.

"So hurt huh? Didn't even see her off"....Aksh said as he looked at the pathetic prince in front of him, melancholic owing to obvious reasons.

"How does it matter? She doesn't care".....he spoke in a low voice.

"Well, quite the contrary but I would like to see you cry"....Aksh whispered to himself, an evil plan occupying his mind.

He cleared his throat and finally dropped the bomb

"Right. Doesn't matter"....he sentenced.

The other male presence in the room turned around and looked at him sharply, not wanting to believe something which he in fact, should not believe.

"What did she say?"......he questioned, unconvinced.

"Um...nothing worth noting."...the teasing continued.

He turned around, suppressing his emotions.

"Does that change the plan?"..............Aksh questioned, in a smug voice on seeing his change of expressions.

"Nothing changes the plan."....he said, authoritatively.

"She was looking for someone, not sure who."...Aksh said playfully this time, and now he had the undivided attention of the other presence in the room.

"Like I said, not sure who."...Aksh shrugged his shoulders in an unsuspecting way to which he earned an eye roll from Agastya.

"Shut up and prepare for the coronation.".......he said, turning back.

"Your coronation or Aadhrit's?"...............Aksh asked suppressing a smile.

"Are you at Malik Empire or Rajvanshi's? ".....Agastya questioned back.

"Right.".....Aksh said, as he understood that he had messed around enough for a day.

He took his leave, leaving the prince to himself with his thoughts.



The journey was long and I got the time to rewind through my life in these past few months. Drastic changes took place and I was clueless, and now, now I was about to get tied in an alliance I never had any knowledge about.

My past self would have never believed if present me went back in time and told her all that was about to happen. I laughed at the fact.

But I had something more to be worried about. I didn't realize it until now.

Something hit me like a truck now, with sudden speed and shock. I was never going to see him now. He was never going to be lurking anymore around me. He was never going to irritate me now like he always did. I was going to be on my own now.

Except my soon to be husband whom I didn't even know. Was he a good man?

More importantly, would he love me as a wife?

I was not unknown to the marriages of convenience and the fact that the wives who never got love and were treated like toys. I had seen my friends and sisters get turned into those unhappy wives who tried to be at their best for their husbands but were never happy themselves.

Was I going to be one of them soon? What did the future hold for me?

My mind drifted back to him. The confession. The last conversation we had.

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