Part Four

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- Jin's POV -

For hours we thought and planned.

Since we didn't want the media to find out about their relationship, every single photo they ever took together was printed then deleted and stored where only they knew where. No way could Taehyung have kept them at the company dorm we stayed at, so they were always kept at her house.

After writing down all the memories she could remember of the moments they spent together she stood up and reached deep into her closet which was full of unfolded clothes, loosely hung dresses and coats. Before the accident she was a neat freak, admitted to being lazy, but always a neat freak. This accident was really taking a toll on her, and it was sorely obvious.

'Here's all the photos we took together.' she said as she sat back down and opened the pristine white box. I leaned closer as she spread them out on the carpet.

I laughed and noticed a picture of me, 'Hey! When did you take this?!' it was a selfie of them with me sleeping.

'That was when we had a game night! And you guys helped me sneak into the dorm,' she explained, 'it was before him and I were dating.' she frowned.

'I remember that night...we walked you out and got snapped when we returned!' I laughed, smiling at her. She smiled back but kept her eyes on the photos.

My eyes traveled from photograph to photograph, selfies, pictures of their twined hands, date pictures of them at restaurants, carnivals, theme parks, so many memories laying before me. I just couldn't get my mind around the fact that he forgot about all of this, it just felt unreal.

'Here's little notes we wrote to each other as well, and the diary he wrote in each day after we met,' she held it in her hands, 'he gave it to me a month after we started dating.'

'A diary?' my mind reeled back to all the times I had found him with his nose in a book, writing, 'So that's what he was doing. We thought he was just writing lyrics! But he was writing about you. I would suggest we get him to read the diary, but it might be all to much for him.' I could tell I struck a cord on her broken heart, she quickly wiped away the drops and brought a tissue to her face. I noticed the ground beside her bed was littered with used tissues, I frowned. It hurt me knowing she was in pain.

'What's the first photo you took together? Let's start there.'

- The next day -

'Taehyung! Wake your butt up right now!' I yelled and slammed his door with my fist.

'Chill, I'm already awake. What's gotten into you?' he said as he opened the door and stepped out, shaking his hair.

'Me? What's gotten into you? You're different now.' I said lightly, trying not to make him angry that I was dragging this on, but I had to. I had to get some sense into him.

'I don't feel any different.' he shrugged and began walking off, to get breakfast I assumed.

'Just listen to me please,' I said and lightly held his shoulder, 'I want you to meet someone.'

'Oh yeah? Who?' he shook off my hand.

'Your girlfriend.'

'Why can't you just let it go? I'm fine without her, I don't even know her anymore and that doesn't bother me.' he spoke like it was totally fine.

'Please. Just give her a chance, the doctor said you have to re-live all your memories.'

His eyes left mine, he bit his lip and stared at the ground in thought. I was surprised that he was actually thinking about it.

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