1 | Mother fucking Star Boy

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Jay's empty eyes stared. The son of Byun Baekhyun and Hera. The one who loved and breathed violence and blood as much as oxygen. His hazy eyes crouched in front of his recent victim, tied in the chair. Bloody and bruised.

"Are you ready to talk?" His long veiny hands splashed with blood jammed the knife further into the victim's knee. The man roared in pain. "Who sent you?"

"Why? Are you angry that I tried to touch your little one's ass? Your fiance she is, no?" The guy's bloody grinned.

It silenced the pacing of the agitated Sunghoon. The future consiglere growled, ready to pounce but Jake, the chief bodyguard came in front of him. Sunghoon growled, but stopped. His future Capo was there. He couldn't cross Jay, but still. "She's my fucking sister." Sunghoon warned.

Okay. So the story went like this. They went to the club and Sooyun, his sister was grabbed by a creep. Sunghoon would have plumped the guy to death, but Jay didn't let him. Apparently the future Capo thought that the creep was sent by someone to cause trouble. Because the same man was caught spiking the drinks on cctv too.

"Sooyun is your sister." Jay looked up, one side of his face had traces of blood trailing down. "But, she's my fiance, Sunghoon. He was targeting her, spiking her drinks. He clearly wanted to kidnap her or something. To get to me." His eyes went back to the victim and a cruel smirk made its way to his face. "He's my meal."

"Jay, Capo has ordered you to not get involved in any kind of killing. Not directly." Jake reminded.

Sunghoon snorted. "I swear our fathers are always... always trying to get in the middle of fun."

"Well he doesn't need to know." Jay got the gun from the table, and loaded it. The sound crackled in the air. "I bet I can make this guy speak before I dispose his pathetic ass somewhere."

"Really, son?"

Jay stilled, then sighed. Hayun, his sister. Of course. He turned, and there he was. Byun Baekhyun. His father. In his black overall. His blue eyes reflected in Jay's. The similar kind of emptiness and darkness lurked there. Hayun appeared behind Jay's father and so did the consiglere, Sunghoon's father, Oh Sehun.

"Come on, Father!" Sunghoon grumbled but still went to hug Sehun.

"You're stinking with blood." Sehun sighed as his 20 year old kid hugged him tightly. "Consiglere is supposed to be right in head, son. Not aid his Capo in his craziness."

"You know you love my crazy, father." Sunghoon pulled back and sobered up when saw Baekhyun. "Capo-"

"Let's go." Baekhyun shook his head. He turned to Jay. "I want to have dinner with you both before I leave with your meal. Get dressed. Your mother is here."

"Wow! My favorite aunt is here." Sunghoon jumped, grabbed Hayun's hand and pulled her along. "Come on, little fiance. Help me choose shirt. I need to impress my lovely aunt with my charming self." Hayun snickered but followed.

Sehun sighed and looked back and forth between the son and father. Jay definitely didn't like their intervention. Jake nodded at the consiglere and they both left the duo alone. "I'll see you at dinner."

Jay didn't move. Baekhyun tilted his head. "Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Do you doubt my capabilities? Is that why you're always interfering-"

"That's where you're wrong." Baekhyun stepped forward, got a clean hankerchief from his pocket and dabbed the blood from his son's face. "You're my pride. My heir. I don't doubt you. You're me. I am you."

Jay held the stare. "Then why?"

"Because this isn't Sal-inja territory. Number one rule of mafia is to not get caught." Baekhyun smiled. "You can't even hide your rendezvous from Hayun. How do you expect others to not know."

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