Chapter 4: From You, 2000 Years Ago

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"I can't believe I overslept again," Eren grumbled as he rushed to school. He had stayed up until 3 am watching anime, and now he was running late. He hoped his teacher wouldn't be too hard on him for being tardy... again.

He couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he readied himself for the inevitable scolding from Professor Keith Shadis for his third tardy of the week. What frustrated him the most was that his mom and dad had never bothered to wake him up on time. It was their way of telling Eren to move out.

"Ah, fuck my life."

Eren's mind raced as he considered calling in sick for the day. He could always make up an excuse, but before he could turn around and leave, his eyes locked on the very reason he enrolled in this school: Levi Ackerman. The third-year art major walked with confidence, his art supplies in tow, as he made his way to class. Eren couldn't help but admire Levi. He was the best in his class and an inspiration to Eren.

He had initially thought of taking up law because "Attorney Eren" sounded badass to him, but when he was about to hand his documents to the registrar, he caught sight of the most beautiful boy in the world. He was starstruck and followed him to his building, where he learned that he was an art major and a brilliant one. Eren took up art not because he had a talent for art. He can't even write his own name right sometimes. But because he thought Levi Ackerman was a walking piece of art that needed to be appreciated every second of every day.

"You're late." Eren tried to fight the smile curling in his lips as Levi talked to him. "Again."

"You're late, too," Eren replied, chuckling. "How about we go together?"

"How about we don't?" Levi rolled his eyes at him. "You just want someone to share Shadis' yelling. But unlike you, he actually appreciates me and my work."

Just like Levi was the most beautiful person Eren had ever laid his eyes on, he was also the shittiest person to exist. Of course, no one could be this perfect. Still, Eren smiled at him, not minding the slightly hurtful words.

"Weirdo," Levi tsked and walked towards the building with Eren tagging behind him like a dog following its master. "Can you stop following me?"

"We literally share the same building and, for today's class, the same room."

That is why Eren was so annoyed that he was late. It was the time of the month when all art majors of different year levels gathered to analyze a famous painting that the Royal Museum of Art let them borrow.

Eren wanted to look good for Levi. He was planning on doing his hair in a neat bun and wearing a sophisticated outfit that would've been top pinned in a Pinterest board for art museum dates aesthetics. Instead, he hurriedly put his hair in a messy bun and changed into a thick hoodie and slacks. He looked alright, but it was far from what he imagined yesterday. He hoped Levi wasn't disgusted.

"Eren Yeager!" As expected of Professor Shadis, he yelled at him when Eren walked into the room, not minding Levi, who was just as tardy as he was. There was definitely favoritism in this class. He should talk to the dean about it. "Why don't you go to the dean's office and have yourself expelled?"

"Sorry, sir, this will be the last. I promise," Eren said, praying that Keith still had that soft spot for him because he was Grisha and Carla's friend. He used to babysit Eren before, and Eren loved to play with him. Now, Keith has been Eren's most significant obstacle to continuing art and, ultimately, getting Levi to like him.

Keith sighed, "Sit your ass down next to Ackerman. Since you're both late, you'll be partners for today's activity."

Eren couldn't help the smile rushing to his face as he practically ran to Levi's side. The older only glared at him, not wanting to have anything to do with the worst student in the history of the department of arts.

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