Start from the beginning

"She's always coming between our relationship and I don't like it. I get it, she's your damn best friend but there a line to it, isn't it? I'm your future wife." Tessie furiously wiped her tears and she continued speaking.
"Any woman would have want you to stop being best friends with her, after all which sane woman would want her husband to have a female best friend?" All three of them knew the answer to the question but no one volunteered to speak, the room hung heavily with the silence of Tessie's question, the silence was broken when Tessie sniffled again and then continued speaking,

"I didn't complain, I didn't want to be a nagging girlfriend and plus there were some point in your life when you need someone but at that time we didn't meet and Layla was there for you." Again she stopped speaking and she looked at Layla.
"She was there when I wasn't, I only wanted her to respect her old memories of you and also let me create memories with you but it looks like she doesn't plan on giving me that."
"I'm sorry princess."
"No, you are not. I trusted that you didn't tell her to come here and I still trust you but there is a limit to everything. You should have told her to leave when she came since she did it on purpose, you shouldn't have let her talk about you guys childhood in front of me. You never tell your best friend what is right and wrong." Tessie said as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry princess, let's go sit down and talk it out."
"No! I'm going to leave. I need a break, a break from you." Tessie said, Zayn could have sweared his heart broke into a million pieces when she said that, how could she say it as if it was something so simple say?! Those words made him gloom, and an irritated look crossed his face.

"I'm sorry princess, I will talk to her." Zayn said as he tried once again to persaude her into going back to her seat.
"No! I am going no where with, I said I.need.a.break!"
"What part of the I need a break don't you understand? I need to go back home and gather my thoughts, maybe I might come back to you and maybe I might realize that dating you was a waste of my time."
"I hope you respect my decision and stay away from me for the meantime." Tessie said and then she turned and left, Zayn could only nod his head as he watched her walk away, his heart felt heavy and he didn't even know what to do. He loves her, he really does, isn't that enough? What more does she want?! She should have told him she didn't like Layla's presence.

Tessie is a sweet and calm person and it is really hard for her to just hate anyone without any reason, Layla must have done something to her, but when, why and why didn't she tell him since? He had so many questions for her but she was gone, he couldn't ask her because he needed to respect her decision and stay away from her, it will be for the best but can he really stay away for god knows how long? Can she also stay away from him? Doesn't she love him as much as he loves her, is he the only one who feels like he is ready to die for her?

Someone tsked behind him and a scowl immediately replaced the somber look on his handsome face, he felt like turning around and strangling her, how could she do that to him? Times without number, he has always told her about his love for Tessie so how could she do that to him. She knows the pain he will enter once that happen, didn't she care about his agony, did she no longer care about him?

He, Maha and Layla have been through a lot together, after Maha and his mother, Layla is the woman he loves the most but it has never been a romantic love, it was a brotherly love. Things changed when he met Tessie and she became his world, his everything. He had never thought that he would love someone other than his family so hard that just the thought of losing them will bring pain to his heart but Tessie made him feel more than pain.

For the first time, he felt anger and resentment towards Layla, she is the reason why Tessie left him, it is all her fault and he knew she did it on purpose. How could she even fathom such thoughts against him? He could never take away something from her as long as she loves that thing, he would never! So how could she?! He felt betrayed, he really trusted her but now he wasn't sure if he trusted her that much after what she had done.

He would make sure that he draws a line between the two of them from today, if he wanted Tessie back then he had to make sure that she would never interfere in his relationship again.

"C'mon Zayn, cheer up. She said she needed a break, she didn't say she has broken up with you." Layla said nonchalantly.
"You don't feel remorseful, do you?" Layla just rolled her eyes and then shrugged her shoulders.
"How could you do that? Do you have any idea how much I love that girl? I can't live with out her!"
Layla scoffed as she rolled her eyes and she laughed derisively,
"Since when did you start saying such cheeky lines like this? Don't forget that you are Matches the playboy, you play with other peoples feeling not the other way round."

If possible, Zayn's anger fueled. He knew what she was doing, she was trying to make him go back to his old life but he is now a changed man, he has changed for the sake of love, for his princess, Tessie. He is willing to go to the moon and back if that means she will come back to him, nothing will ever stop him from loving Tessie, he will make sure he marries her and Layla can do nothing about it. She can go to hell for all he cares, he didn't like people getting in his way with Tessie.

"I don't know why you are doing this and I don't care to know but stay away from Tessie."
"And if I don't?"
"Then you will face my wrath!" Zayn said without even blinking.
"What?! You met her 3 years back, where as I have been with you your whole life." Layla said, she was on the brink of tears as she said those words, she didn't like the way Zayn always chooses Tessie over her.
"It doesn't matter, she is the woman my heart chose. I had expected you to support my decision but it seems like I was wrong." Zayn said and then he turned to leave.

"Where do you think you are going Zayn? Are you really going to leave me here all alone?" Layla asked with a pout.
"Did you come here with me?" Realizing her rude attitude wouldn't work, she decided to switch to sweet and loving Layla.
"I'm sorry." Layla said with a pout.
"Tessie is the one you should say that to, after you have apologize then you should comeback to me, maybe then I will consider forgiving you but I'm not sure. I'm realy upset with you Layla." Zayn said as he turned and left without waiting for her reply.

Layla was both hurt and angry, she has been with him for 24 years so has he just chose to ignore her or is she not beautiful enough for him? He would always go around dating girls but he had never looked at her in a romantic way, he said is a brotherly love he has for her but did she ask him for that? She loves him and she wanted to marry him, she would make sure that happens. She has been with him for years so it's is only fair that she marries him, why should he marry another woman while he leaves her with a broken heart?

The way he called Tessie 'princess' always made her feeling a burning jealousy in her heart, his eyes held so much love and adoration whenever he spoke about her or he spoke to her or looked at her, he loved her a lot and when he called her princess he makes it sound like she is a the most precious person on earth. All those things were meant for her but that good for nothing brat stole it away from her, she would make sure to get what rightfully belongs to her back! No matter what she will be Zayn's bride.

I got 24 views and 4 vote on the epilogue, the votes have always been like that but i chose to ignore it🙄.
I will no longer post Zayn and Tessie's side story, i just posted the first one so you will know how good it is going to be but you won't get to read it(i know it's petty but you guys started it). Abun ma har yazama wulakanci ai, you guys have audacity ooo. Zaku iya karantawa but simple to just vote, you guys can not.

Since you guys don't appreciate my efforts then I will no longer update. Also please don't read the sequel I will start writing if ynow you won't vote, i will find new readers.

But i might decide to update if the votes reach 800, for now if it doesn't, just think of this book as completed.

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