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Pls ignore the typos🤗


             Clad in a beautiful sky blue abaya, Maha looked like a moon goddess. She had taken forever to get dressed, she had locked her room and went about with her business, and then she fell asleep around 1pm she was lucky that she actually woke up around three. On a normal day, Maha usually took hours to get dressed and today it seemed as if the hours have only increased. Ayman had knocked and knocked on her door but she refused to open it, he told her he would leave without her but she did not mind since she knew that he did not know her parents' house. Finally around 4pm, Maha finally came out. The first thing she saw was an angry ayman, he was glaring daggers at her and if looks could kill Maha would have died over and over again.

"Oh my! is it a coincident that we are both wearing sky blue?" Maha said as she placed her hand on her mouth, exaggerating her actions. With their outfits having the same matching colors, one would think they are madly in love with each other. Ayman said nothing and he stood up and walked towards the exit door, Maha also trailed behind him.

"You look dashing in blue." Maha said and Ayman halted in his steps.

"What a drama queen! No wonder all the female leads in your books and movies are drama queens." Ayman said, as he continued working. To say he was angry would be a very huge understatement, he was furious! And if there is any word that exaggerated his anger more than furious then that was what he felt right now. He had actually planned to lash out on her once she came out of her bedroom and while waiting for her he had planned all the mean things he would say to her that would make her cry her eyes out so, that those beautiful green eyes would become ugly and finally stop trying to hypnotize him. While he was still waiting for her, he kept thinking about all his previous actions towards her and the way she melted the words right off his mouth, she made him fell something that he thought had died along with Aisha and he did not want to reawaken it. He felt his blood boil, how could he forget about Aisha and that too, so soon? He had planned to make her life miserable by behaving cold and icy towards her, just like he had always done to all the girls who showed interest in him.


         All that he had planned went down the drain, the moment her feet stepped out of her bedroom. The scent of her perfume was more stronger than ever, she smelt like lavender and strawberry and even though she smelt like Aisha, he felt that there was just something about her scent that is unique and he likes her scent more than Aisha's, he had immediately loathed himself when he started having those crazy thoughts. And then, she stepped out of her room looking like an angel who had mistakenly fallen to to earth. He didn't know why but looking at her made him think of a freshly blossoming flower. Then he made a mistake he had chided himself not to make, he stared right into her hypnotizing green eyes, though it looked like he was actually staring daggers at her, in reality he was utterly lost in her eyes. It felt as though she had casted a spell on him through her eyes and he would get completely trapped if he continued staring. More than ever he knew he needed to look away but he couldn't. And then, she opened her mouth and spoke and that broke the trance. She had a pretty face, in fact everything about her is pretty but he wouldn't say so about her mouth. The moment she opens her mouth then she always spouts out nonsense. He found that amusing and that is why he says she utters nonsense so he can convince himself that he feels nothing towards her.

"Oh my God! You read my books?! I didn't think a man like you read novels, whenever I wrote the books my target audience was always your sister, ummita and the other influencers." Maha said, she was truly happy that he read her books and she knew he found them interesting because if he didn't then he wouldn't have remembered that all her female leads were always drama queens! Ayman said nothing and rolled his eyes and continued walking but Maha kept on blabbering even as they entered the car.

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