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"Hi." Ayman had just stepped out of Samira's bedroom when Maha stepped in front of him,  her green eyes shimmered like emerald jewels when she smiled. As her lips curled into a warm, inviting grin, her eyes came alive with a playful twinkle. They glistened with a hint of mischief, and the vibrant green hue seemed to dance with joy, reflecting the happiness that radiated from her soul. It was as if her gaze held the secrets of a thousand spring meadows, and in that moment, they spoke of pure, unbridled delight.
"Mummy's boy finally spoke to mummy?" Maha teased and her green eyes twinkled with mischief, Ayman said nothing and only rolled his eyes. He needed to leave so he could gather his thoughts, Maha is the last person he wanted to see at this moment after all Samira has told him. Did he really love her? It couldn't be, right? There was no way he could love a woman who isn't Aisha. He had so many questions but there was no one who could answer it, he felt so confused that he wanted to pull his hair out. He felt so frustrated, no! Frustration is an understatement to what he felt, he felt fury helplessness and anger. He felt fury and anger because his past emotional wounds keeps resurfacing and ruining his present life. The moment he feels like he is finally starting to move on and might just learn to love Maha, Aisha's face pops out of no where and everything comes crashing down. All his resolve, determination and courage. He felt helpless because he couldn't save either him or Maha from the heartache, he couldn't let her go nor could he love her. He was deceiving himself when he said he won't divorce her until she demands a divorce. He is the man in the relationship and whenever things aren't going well in a relationship; which obviously is the case in their relationship, divorce is the best option. He would be saving them both from the heartache.
"Are you even listening." Maha asked breaking Ayman's train of thought, her arms were crossed over her torso. Her beautiful brows were raised and her green eyes indicated obvious displeasure.
"Hmm? What were you saying?" Ayman asked as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, she glared at him as though he had stolen her baby from her but in reality he had just snubbed her, which wasn't even intentional.
"I asked if you would go to the hospital today." Maha said, ever since Aisha's father was admitted to the hospital, Ayman would always go there to visit him. She still marvels at the amount of respect Ayman shows Aisha's parents even when she isn't alive. That just showed how much he loved her and it annoyed her to no end, jealousy was an understatement to what she felt towards the dead lady but she always manged to tame it with a sweet smile whenever Ayman is around. If she was to see that annoying Aisha in the after life she would strangle her and kill her all over again, how could she still cause trouble for her when she is already dead?! Does she not know how to share? No, this is far beyond the matter of sharing, she is dead and now Ayman belonged to her so why couldn't she just let him be?! Maha was sure that if Aisha had been alive she would have been those kind of over protective wife who didn't like to share their husband. Despite the negative feeling that Maha haboured towards Aisha, it had become a habit of hers to always pray for the lady whenever she prayed. She only said those words to soothe her anger and jealousy when Ayman kept blabbering about Aisha but she knew for a fact that the girl was nice. If she wasn't nice then Ayman wouldn't have still been head over heels in love with her.
"I am taking umma and hajiya babba so yes i am going today." Maha nodded her head and smiled. She didn't want to tell Ayman but her doctor instincts were telling her that Muhammad would not survive. His heart problem is just like Mariam's own and they both need a transplant, she still was holding unto a little bit ray of hope just like she had been doing for Mariam that they would both survive.

Maha had left the house to go to the hospital before any of them could, she had an early morning surgery with her mother's younger brother, Dr. Mahmud Nader. She didn't enjoy his presence just like how she didn't enjoy Mariam's presence. They were both boring and the only thing they knew is book, after her graduation he had taken interest in her and said he would teach her all she needed to know about being a neurosurgeon since he is also one. The past few weeks she had spent with him had been hellish, he is very strict but the good part was that he isn't as strict as Mariam but he is still strict. Maha had tried all she could to avoid him but it always seemed to be futile, he would always find her and would force her to work. She would fall asleep whenever her head hit the pillow at night because of how tired she is, yet he said he is training her to be like her mother. Had she ever told anyone she wanted to be like her mother?! It was so frustrating because she always went back home tired and she couldn't frustrate Ayman because she would always go back home tired, Ayman seemed to like her busy schedule though. He said it gave him peace of mind from her non stop chatter.
     Maha walked happily towards Muhammad's bedroom, she had thought Aisha's family wouldn't like her because she had taken their daughter's place but they had been nothing but nice to her, including Aisha's siblings. Well all except Amal, she had never behaved rudely with her but it was clear to her that the girl's smile were forced and she didn't like staying in the same place with her. Maha had already noticed how the girl would always  leave the room when ever she came in, she had suspected the girl is in love with Ayman but she had brushed it off with the thought that Amal just repulsed her because she had taken her deceased sister's position. Farida and Muhammad had been nothing but nice to her, Farida had been the one encouraging her to put faith in her relationship with Ayman. Just like Samira, Farida also believed that Ayman loved her.
     Maha knocked on the one way mirror door, and then pushed the door open with a small taslim. Her eyes wandered to the people inside the room, Farida, Amal and one of her sons were there, Samira and hajiya babba and another two Shugaba's were also present. And then many more Alkali's and Dan-musa's. Ayman was sitting at the far end of the room looking out the window with an aloof expression, The dappled sunlight gently caressed the chiseled features of Ayman who was perched by the window, accentuating the contours of his strong jawline and casting a warm, golden glow upon his sharply defined cheekbones. His piercing eyes, the color of the night sky held a certain enigmatic charm, heightened by the play of light and shadow. As he gazed into the distance, his tousled dark hair framed his face, creating an aura of effortless sophistication. The subtle, yet confident, curve of his lips hinted at a secret smile, adding an air of mystery to his already captivating presence. Maha's green eyes met Ayman's dark ones and the subtle curve of his lips deepened as he smiled at her, Maha's heart warmed at the little gesture and she couldn't help but grin like a fool. The people around them disappeared and it was only the two of them in the room, they gazed into each other's eyes for God knows how long until they heard Samira clear her throat. Immediately the trance was broken and Maha realized she had been standing by the door of the VIP room of Nader general, Maha smiled awkwardly and she released the door knob. Her smile instantly faded and her face paled when her eyes settled on an older woman's face who was glaring daggers at her, if looks could kill then Maha would have died a thousand times. By the side of her eyes she saw Farouk sitting beside the woman glaring at her. The woman is none other than Halima Alkali, Farouk's mother. Farouk sat beside his mother with a cunning smirk, before she could even speak or anyone else in the room could speak, Farouk spoke first.
"Maha, how are you?" Farouk asked, Maha's eyes slightly widened but all too soon she replaced it with a gentle smile. Maybe Farouk has also finally decided to let her go and he was trying to act civilized, she still felt bad for what had happened because no matter how she tried to put it she knew it was her fault and she had hurt him. Somehow his actions were justified because both their families knew about them and they were already talking about their wedding and suddenly she ditched him, the only thing he did wrong was the fact that he tried to kill her and he tried dragged her family's name through the mud.
"Fine, how have you been?" Maha said, Farouk nodded his head with a cunning smile.
"I tried calling your number last night but you weren't picking, i thought you didn't sleep early." The God of silence settled on the room and all eyes fell on Maha while some were looking at Farouk wide eyed.
What did he mean by he called her last night?! And that she didn't sleep early? Isn't she married to Ayman?! Everyone knew that they had once dated but what did he mean by saying he called her last night? Were they cheating on Ayman? Somehow all the accusing stare fell on Maha and it made her want to dig the ground and bury herself. Just when she thought this conniving bastard was finally going to change!
"Oh! You mean the phone calls she never picks? I saw your call last night but i just decided to do her the honour and block your number, since you are shameless and you still keep calling her even when she never picks." All eyes snapped towards the source of the voice which was Ayman, he sat nonchalantly on the sofa, his legs crossed. He is such captivating individual whose presence effortlessly elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary, exuding an aura of regality and charm that turns even a simple chair into a throne in his midst. His presence was domineering and it demanded authority and respect, he sat there like a king sitting on his throne.
"I see you are taking your cheating wife's side." Halima said, she threw a disgusted look towards Maha who was still standing by the door nervously.
"If she is a cheater then what do you call your disgusting son? Just so you know my wife isn't a cheater, your son is a home wrecker because he is the one going after my wife like a lost dog!" Both Farouk and his mother were infuriated by what Ayman had said, Farouk had only said that because he wanted to ruin Maha's reputation, his reputation would also be ruined along with hers but he didn't mind as long as she would go down with him but now only his reputation got ruined and to think Ayman just could him a dog? How dare he?!
"It seems this new wife of yours is a bad influence, you have started talking back now?"  Halima scoffed, no matter what you would say to Ayman even if it affected his beloved Aisha, his expression would remain calm and unfazed. Now her son had only said something that affected both of them but she could see the obvious displeasure in his face and he had just talked back at her. He had never talked back at any elder but he did that today and embarassed her son, she would make sure that bratty wife of his paid for what she did, it was all her fault her son was disgraced and even called a dog.
"It's not talking back, people have to know their place." Ayman said nonchalantly.
"Enough!" Immediately Halima kept quiet when she heard hajiya babba's voice, the room was quiet for a moment everyone holding their breaths to hear and see what would happen next.
"Your son is making baseless accusations because of what happened in the past, i don't get why your son is trying to ruin this marriage." It was Samira who spoke when hajiya babba refused to say anything after what she had said.
"Well it might be the truth." Asma'u said in a whisper but she made sure it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Even before Ayman or anyone could speak, Farida had already spoken.
"Zaki rufe bakin ki ko sai na rufe miki; will you shut your mouth or do i have to shut it for you?" Farida glared at Asma'u in utter disdain, she had never liked her and that was why she made sure Ayman didn't marry her, she would rather make him marry Amal against his wish than let him marry this disrespectful girl, she was not suitable to be a queen! As for Maha, she knew the girl was born to be a queen, she carried herself with grace and elegance that couldn't be compared to any other. She walked with her shoulders squared and her chin raised, she didn't lower her eyes for anyone who didn't deserve it and those were all the qualities of a queen.
"We can continue this arguement later, let's leave uncle to rest." Ayman said, he stood up and went towards the door and then he held Maha's hand and they left the room.

      Mariam was't in the hospital today so the moment Maha and Ayman had left the room, she had dashed towards Mariam's office. She stayed there for almost an hour and cried her eyes out, she was really happy that Ayman, his mother and Aunt Farida stood up for her but she knew some of the Shugabas' would never view her in the same light. The worst part was there hatred towards her that they didn't even try to hide. Cleaning her tears she walked out of the luxirious and lavishly furnished office. She had barely taken seven step when suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed her towards a corner. Her eyes widened at the realization of who it is.
"You brat! How dare you touch me?" Maha hissed, Farouk looked at her and chuckled as though she had said something funny.
"I see you have become even more beautiful." Farouk said as he eyed her from head to toe. Maha felt the content of her breakfast resurface and she wanted to throw up, memories of the past six years started flashing back and she felt her eyes burn, he had also always told her she was beautiful while giving her the same disgusting look. She thought it was something normal and didn't mind, how she wished she hadn't trust him then maybe she wouldn't have killed him.
Maha held back her tears, she couldn't show him her weak side. She turned to leave but Farouk blocked her way.
"Move!" Maha hissed.
"Ah feisty. Don't ever slam the door you might want to go back." Farouk said. Maha looked at him with one raised eyebrow and then she scoffed mockingly at him.
"I have already slammed the door, you are the one who keeps opening the door but you should know that i will never step in." Maha said, what she said rendered him speechless and she took that as her cue to leave but he held her hand before she could leave.
"Fuck off, you damn brat!"
"How dare you?" Farouk had literally raised his hand in an attempt to hit her but a hand held his own. Farouk turned around red with anger, who dare held his hand? He needed to teach this girl a lesson. His face immediately paled at the sight of Ayman's angry face, he looked as though he was ready to destroy the world but at the same time he looked devilishly handsome.
"How dare you try to raise your flithy hand to my wife?" Before Farouk could retaliate Ayman had landed a punch on his face. The beating came from every part of his body and he couldn't even fight back, Ayman was beating him to a pulp and he knew Maha would not save him. She sat comfortably on a chair as she watched Ayman beat Farouk, she was not that kind of soft hearted women that would rush towards Ayman and try to save Farouk, she would enjoy this while it still last. This part of the hospital is were Mariam's office is and people rarely came unless summoned or they had work to do, no one would come to save him unless he screamed but he couldn't do that because Ayman had stuffed a piece of clothing in his mouth.
      When Maha was finally satisfied with his condition she stood up and stopped Ayman. They left the place quietly with a smug smile on their otherwordly faces.
"I can't believe that was the brat i was going to marry, it's now that i even realized his front hair is bald. What did i even see in him?!" Maha said and both she and Ayman laughed.
"And i can't believe you didn't try to stop me." Ayman said, Maha smirked and then she moved closer to him, hugging his arms.
"We are a bad couple."
"Maybe you really are a bad influence on me." Maha smirked again.
"Am a bad influence on everyone dear husband." Maha said and they both chuckled, to other people, it would look as though they were a happy couple in love, whispering love nothings to each other not knowing the mischief they had done was the reason for their happiness.

The votes aren't giving😩.





See yah when i see yah🖐.

Match Made in jannah | (jannah series #1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें