Chapter 19

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For some reason I think Heidi planned her pregnancy. I think she took advantage of Freen's drunken state and tried to get pregnant. Yuki says I'm being paranoid but I don't think so. It sounds like something Heidi would do because she probably saw she was losing Freen and she just couldn't have that. I don't trust Heidi an ounce and I just don't believe she just happen to get pregnant. Now she's being clingy and Freen tries to blame it on hormones but Heidi is a month behind me in her pregnancy and I haven't experienced hormones yet. Yes, it may be different for each pregnancy but whatever, I think Heidi knows Freen is with someone else. I don't know if she knows it's me but I have a feeling she knows. A cheater knows cheating right?

I don't even feel bad for staying with Freen after they're open marriage arrangement fell through. I did for maybe the first few days this actually became an affair but I don't care anymore. What goes around comes around right? It amazes me that Heidi use to be a good person, according to Freen anyway. They probably would have worked out if Heidi hadn't changed but she did and even therapy can't fix that, though it might have helped if Freen hadn't already stayed, but then again Heidi has been slipping back into her old ways. Maybe she's too far gone to ever be a good person again.

"I don't think she knows anything," Yuki says as she tapes a box close. I'm moving into the house Freen and I got today. I figured I should do it before it's too late and with me being almost five months now, it's getting close. My stomach hasn't gotten very big but my bump is a little more visible so I've had to buy some new clothes but not alot. It's honestly still relatively small but my shirts have gotten tighter. Surprisingly though, Heidi is about as big as me. Freen said she's actually almost bigger than me and when she showed me a picture, it shocked me. What if she's having more than one baby and the doctors haven't detected it? Or maybe she just picked up more weight? I don't know but I like the latter better than the former.

"So how's the new job?" Yuki asks as she starts on packing another box.

"It's fine. I've settled in now but I still don't have much work to do."

"Well isn't that a good thing?" Yuki asks and I shrug.

"Why are you even working? You have a rich baby mama, you're set," Charlotte says as she enters the kitchen.

"Because I like what I do and I'm not going to live off of Freen."

"If I were in your position, I would," Yuki says and I shake my head.

"I wonder why Freen never hit on me?" Yuki asks and I look over at her.


"I mean, she's flirtatious by nature. Why didn't I ever get hit on?"

"Because she only has eyes for Hai-british ones," Charlotte says.

"You're not even gay Yuki," I say and she shrugs.

"Doesn't mean I can't flirt with one. Plus Freen isn't even all woman," Yuki says with a wink. I shake my head and Charlotte giggles then leans against the kitchen table.

"Speaking big are we talking?" Charlotte asks.

"I know you're not really asking that?" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Uh yeah I am. Spill," Yuki and I laugh and Charlotte rolls her eyes.

"I'm not having this conversation again," I say.

"Who did you tell first? Yuki?" Yuki nods her head to Charlotte.

"When she first saw it, it was an accident. She was so hot and bothered she couldn't look at Freen without thinking about it," Yuki jokes and I push her shoulder.

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