Chapter 17

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"This is so fucked up," I say to Nam, she asked me to lunch after I found out about Heidi yesterday. I think she knew I needed to vent and she's the only person I really can vent to.

"Well....I don't think so. You can still probably be with Becky," She says and I raise my eyebrow behind my all black Ray-Ban sunglasses.

"How Nam?" I ask as she takes a bite of her food.

"Well.....have you talked to her yet?" She asks and I shake my head.

"I haven't talked to her since yesterday. I don't think she wants to talk to me, she won't answer my calls or texts so maybe she needs space."

"She didn't come to the house today?" Nam asks and I shake my head.

"She probably quit."

"Or she might be mad or sad or both. I know it has to be harder on her because she's pregnant and doesn't that mess with your emotions?" I nod and Nam continues.

"I would try to talk to her today if I were you."

"But I don't even know what to say to her."

"Do you still want to be with her?" Nam asks.


"Are you still getting a divorce?"

"Yeah, I just don't know when."

"Why not?"

"Heidi is pregnant Nam, that means if I divorce her I'm the asshole who just left her pregnant wife but if I wait after she has the baby, I'm the asshole who just left her wife for another woman when she just had a baby. Either way this goes, I'm the fucking bad guy."

"Do you mean in the media?" I nod my head.

"Yeah, bad publicity is always bad no matter what. Heidi could make me look like a monster, and knowing her, she would. Hell, Heidi can make this situation ten times worse than what it already is," Nam nods.

"Heidi being Heidi, you would never get a clean break from her. I know she's being nice right now but she's just acting. Yesterday when she said that in front of all of us....she wanted an audience when you found out because she probably knew how you were going to react. I can tell she's not even happy about the baby. It's all fake so I think you should go through with the divorce but maybe wait until she has the baby. You guys will be divorced but I know you won't leave her alone with the baby."

"Of course not. I guess you are right though, I should be there for the pregnancy since she had a hard time with Sam, it might be like that again."

"You need to tell Becky that's what you're doing. Do you think she might want to break up?" I shake my head. I have no idea what is going inside Becky's head but I really wish I did.

"I have no idea. I know she loves me but.....some times love isn't enough you know? I don't want her to give up on us but I understand if she can't take it anymore. I know how much this other woman shit hurts her and I hate it but I'm trying to handle this carefully," Nam nods in understanding.

"If she does just end things, you could always try again," I guess she's right but I don't want things to end at all. I don't want to have to start over.

"I guess but that's not the route I want to take," I sigh and shake my head.

"Lets forget about my shitty life for a second. What's going on with you and that guy.....what was his name?" I ask to change the subject.

Nam and I finished our lunch and go our separate ways. This is all my fault. If I had just gotten a divorce sooner, this wouldn't have been happening. Sometimes I really just want to tell to Heidi to fuck off, take Sam and just leave but....ugh. Becky still isn't answering me but I really need to talk to her. I need to know where we stand right now and I can't wait, which is why I'm seconds from her house. I see her car in the driveway so I know she's home. I park my car, get out and walk to Becky's front door. I feel like this can go horribly wrong but I rather it happen now than later. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. There's no answer so I wait a while before knocking a second time. Still no answer. Ugh. I pull my phone out to call Becky when I hear the door unlocking from the other side. The door open slowly until Becky is fully revealed. Her hair is up in a messy ponytail and she has on colorful pajama shorts and a white tank top.

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