Chapter 14

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I know this sounds really.....mushy but when Heidi got pregnant with Sam I wrote a song for him. I started working on it when Heidi was six months pregnant but didn't finish it until he was six months old so it took me about a year. It was more of a lullaby then any thing else and I played it and sung it to him a lot when he was a baby. He still asks me to sing it for him so I figured I'd do it again for Becky and I's baby. I started about a week ago but it's hard writing it when I don't know the sex of the baby so I'm working on the music first. I haven't had much free time to work on it but I got to today. Sam is out with Heidi, I'm not sure what they're doing but they aren't supposed to be back for a few hours. Becky and Yuki are working and I'm in the basement, in my studio. I've always felt most comfortable in the studio so I had to have one in my house. It's sort of this unspoken rule about my studio, don't bother me once I'm inside. That is the same rule when I go to work because I'm serious about my music, I don't like to be interrupted except when I have Sam, I'm a lot more relaxed.

I told Becky she could come down if she wanted to though, she thinks what I'm doing is really sweet but I don't think much of it. When I first did it, I did it by myself, Heidi didn't want to be involved though I wouldn't have minded. I would have let her do vocals or something but she wasn't interested. Becky on the other hand is interested and I'm glad she is. I like that it's both parents instead of just me. I haven't gotten very far with the music but what I have so far, I like. I'm listening to the track once again when I hear the door open. I look to my left and see Becky smiling at me. I cut the volume down as she walks in and leans back in my chair.

"Am I interrupting something?" She asks as she walks over to me. I shake my head and she looks around the room.

"There's alot of crap here," I chuckle and shake my head.

"Not really. It's pretty standard for the most part."

"I mean all the instruments," Becky says and I nod my head.

"Well you know I play these," Becky nods and sits in my lap. I wrap my arms around her midsection and she lies back in my arms.

"What were you doing before I came in?" She asks.

"Listening to what I have so far. It's not much but I haven't been working that long," I sit my chin on Becky's shoulder and place my hands on her stomach.

"The baby and I want to hear."

"It's not done yet. It might not even end up being the final product," Becky shrugs.

"I don't care. I want to hear it so press one of these buttons if not then I can," She says referring to my sound board and I chuckle.

"Fine but I don't want any criticisms," I say. I reach to my laptop to start the music over then turn up the volume. As Becky listens I run my hand back and forth over her stomach. Becky is almost three months now and you still can't really see anything but I can feel it. I guess if you looked hard enough, it would look like she gained a little weight. I feel Becky's hands cover mine and I kiss the back of her neck as the music stops.

"I like that. It's calming," She says.

"I want to add more to it though, like more guitar or I was thinking of going acoustic," I say.

"Acoustic sounds more authentic and genuine."

"You like that better?" I ask and Becky nods her head.

"Acoustic guitar?" Becky nods again and interlaces our fingers.

"Is your participation only going to be telling me what you like and dislike?" I ask and Becky shrugs.

"What else can I do?"

"You can sing."

"I think I'll save myself the embarrassment thank you."

"What? We both know you have the fucking voice of an angel."

"How do you know I sing?" Becky asks and I roll my eyes.

"Because you sing. You sing in the shower, when you cook, clean. I hear you all the time," Becky plays with my fingers and turns her head towards me.

"You should do it, it's for our baby. We can even make a duet," I plead.

"I'll think about it. This is more your area of expertise."

"It is and since I'm saying you should sing that shows something about your ability," Becky shrugs and I peck her lips.

"Think about it," I say, Becky nods and kisses my lips.

"I should let you get back to work," She says and I shake my head.

"Stay with me. I wanted to talk to you about a few things."

"What?" She asks.

"Well number one, my lawyer is sending over the divorce papers this week."

"So, this is like really happening? You're going through with the divorce?" She asks.

"Of course I am. I can't stay in this fucked up situation for the rest of my life."

"But are you sure this is what you want to do? You're not just doing it for me and the baby?" I shake my head.

"I want to be with you. You don't want me to go through with it?"

"No I do, I just want to make sure I'm not pressuring you," I wrap my arms around her tighter and kiss her nose.

"Baby you're not pressuring me. I want this and I should have done this a long time ago."


"Secondly, I want you to see this house with me. It's not very far from where you live and I want to see if you like it."

"I can do that. When are we going?" She asks.

"Tomorrow. You, Me and Sam," Becky nods then pecks my lips.

" what are we going to do right now since you won't let me leave?"

"Well....." I kiss Becky's lips then her jaw and her neck.

"I've never had sex in my studio before."


A/N: I know I am very late. But I have a reason and that is that my first cousin just got married and I had to be there with him for a whole week because it was a traditional wedding so I couldn't write at all. The wedding will end on sunday and I'll probably need 3 days off to recharge my energy so again sorry see ya <3

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