30. Vampire to Cybertronian

Depuis le début

Current time:

Sam, "Jetstorm, no, Dad, I am here."

Jetstorm hugged him close to his chassis, "Do not, do not die before I do ever again."

Jetfire, "So this is my nephew then. He is adorable I will say that much."

Megatron, "May I know how long you have been here?"

Jetstorm turned his optics to Megatron sharply, "You do not have your memories back yet?"

Megatron, "I, I am sorry? My memory is fine."

Jetstorm placed Sam down gently, "I may be a Cybertronian now but I still can use my vampire magic. Now, hold still youngling."

Optimus, "Wait, we should call Ratchet in."

Sam, "Actually we should move from here. Let's go somewhere a little bit safe."

Megatron, "Let's return to base."

Miles greeted them outside, "Sam... No way, Duke Fredo?"

Jazz, "I suppose you are friendly then."

Raon, "Grandpa Fredo."

Hong, "Vampire Gramps."

Ohn, "You are here too."

Bumblebee, "I think you mean family."

Jetstorm smiled, "Hello Choi Han, Raon, I am going by Jetstorm now."

Jetfire eyed them, "This are your grand sparklings?"

Raon, "Hello?"

Jetfire laughed, "My name is Jetfire young ones."

Optimus was staying as calm as he could though inside, he had many questions running through his processor. They decided to return to the underground base closest to them and on the way Sam, Miles and the three sparklings filled Jetstorm in on what was happening. It was surreal to watch the interaction, Raon, the picky and spoiled little Predacon was even draped all over Jetstorm's shoulders. Raon only did that to Sam and Miles obviously, Megatron, Optimus, Bumblebee and Jazz but no one else. Optimus could feel the cloying envy and irritation coming from Megatron as he watched his youngest Sparkling chatter away a mile a minute on Jetstorm's shoulder plate. Soon enough they were landing at the base and the medics were looking over the ancient Cybertronian warriors.

Ratchet, "They are fine for the most part. Low on Energon but that can be fixed easily."

Jetstorm, "Thank you, my good Mech."

Jetfire, "Indeed, young Samuel was very kind enough to get rid of most problems."

Ratchet turned sharply at Sam, "Sam, I warned you not to use your powers nilly willy. Sit down!"

Sam sat in the berth, "I only feel exhausted Ratchet. Aside from that I am fine."

Ratchet huffed, "I will be the judge of that, Samuel."

Jetstorm laughed, "I see your habits are still the same, my little Naru."

Sam rolled his eyes, "Did you expect anything less? Beside I only do what needs to be done nothing more, nothing less."

Jetstorm, "And you still live in denial as well."

Sam scowled, "I do no such thing."

Ratchet sighed, "No more using powers for the next few months. You basically burned through your reserves. How you are awake is anyone's guess."

Jetfire, "You can thank my twin for that. He has this ability to share his energy with anyone."

Ratchet blinked, "You are keeping him awake? Well that is something you will have to show me how to do."

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