Trailer - Sneak Peak

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"Welcome to Capitol University!" Henry holds his hands out with a smile as Lucas comes up the stairs, him holding his hand out for Lucas to shake, Lucas standing in front of him.

"Game Reaper."

Witness Mentors....

"I am more than happy to give you your first assignment as Mentors of the district 4 tributes." Henry states as he clasps his hands together. "You both have a very special assignment Lucas and Will."

Lucas and Will both look at the large hologram TV as they watch all of the tributes be reaped.

"And what's that?" Lucas questions.

Henry goes to lean back a little more as he lightly shrugs, him resting his elbow on the armrest of the chair.

"Preventing war."

And Witness the most important of them all....

"From District 4...."


"Michael Wheeler." It announces as Mike takes a low shaky breath with his hands clasps together.

"Max Mayfield." It announces as she gives a light little smile.

"Why the hell does she have Vultures on her shoulders?" One of the Mentors question.

Vultures fly around the two peacekeepers by Max as they try and fight them off, the crowd just left at a silence as some in the crowd fight back their laughs from the scene, the Peacekeepers try and shoot the birds to no avail, leaving Max to just smile more to herself.

"They're harmless." Max comments simply.

The Peacekeepers punch her to the ground, her falling down in front of everyone.

"Well Lucas...." Victor starts as he goes to stand besides Lucas. "Looks like you got a rather insane tribute to mentor." Victor whispers to Lucas.

Max laughs hard into the camera with blood all over her face, her head falling back as she spins around.

"She's definitely...definitely insane." Will comments.

Witness different sides....

"I present to you the Vice President of Panem! Eleven Creel!" The crowd cheers while Eleven takes a low breath.

"Welcome to the Capitol." Eleven smiles softly as she holds the tray of cinnamon rolls in front of Mike, him just raising his chin lightly at her.

"We as Mentors are trying to help you survive!" Lucas exclaims.

"There is something about that girl."

Max extends her arms out as the crowd cheers for her, all of them going to stand up, all seven Vultures flying up above her and hissing fire out of their mouths.

"That just screams...."

Max extends her arms out as her head falls back as the blood rains on her, her blue eyes looking right into the camera.


"KISS MY ASS PEASANTS!" Max calls out loudly as the two Peacekeepers drags her inside of the Town hall building, the other Peacekeeper's motioning the tributes inside.

Lucas just slapping the palm of his hand against his forehead with a irritated expression.

Witness voices of power....

"I am TIRED of it BEING this way!" Eleven exclaims.

Max sings with all of her might making the crowd cheer out loudly, her staring straight into the camera while extending her arms out.

The Madness of VulturesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin