Chapter 9. Diagnosis

Start from the beginning

"So, Lloyd, you probably know why I asked you here," Wu began, still a little unsure where to even begin. There was so much his nephew didn't know.

Lloyd, who was sitting dead still and silently, nodded.

"It's time you learnt about our family in detail," Wu continued. "All I've told you so far is that I don't know where your parents are, but there is so much more you should know."

Lloyd glanced aside before nodding silently again.

Wu straightened his back and took a deep breath. "To start things off, I'd like to tell you that when you were born, everything was all right. Your parents, Garmadon and Misako, were happily married and your whole family was very happy to have you. Your parents even brought you to meet us and I asked your father if the three of you could come live in this monastery for a while, just so that we could help them take care of you and bond with you."

The nephew cracked a tiny smile, though it seemed somehow forced.

"However, during that visit, your father told me about a quest he needed to embark on. He didn't tell me where he went, why and exactly how long it would take. All I know is that he never returned," Wu paused for a moment, feeling a little bit of emptiness inside of him. "Your mother was surely very distraught and already stressed out because of the new family life. When your father didn't return, she cut contact with us and left as well. As far as I know, she left you in a distant place, on the stairs of a boarding school. I never knew where and by the time I think I found that school, you had already been placed elsewhere, not to be found."

At the sound of Wu's final words, Lloyd ever so quickly glanced up at him before returning his gaze to the cup. The uncle could've sworn he saw sadness in his otherwise so breathtaking emerald eyes.

"I tried to look for you from dozens od boarding schools, orphanages and foster systems all over Ninjago, but not to avail. At the same time, I had your cousin to care for, which left me almost no time to do any further search for years. I tried multiple times, but each time I came back with just as little information as before."

Lloyd nodded slowly. He seemed to understand so far, which was good. Though, Wu was afraid he would be thunderstruck and utterly confused soon.

"I don't exactly know about your mother, but your father, Garmadon, loved you more than anyone in the world," Wu said. It was one of the most important things for the boy to know. "He adored you so much and would've given his life for you if needed. He wanted to give you the whole world and the best life imaginable. There was just something that made him leave and something that's keeping him from coming back."

Lloyd's fingers tapped on the cup lightly and strands of his wavy hair fell over his eyes as he blinked down. He seemed to be thinking about something hard. In addition to looking sad, that was.  

"Now, I should probably tell you more about your paternal family," Wu continued. "Your grandfather, to be exact."

The blond finally looked up for longer than a second. He seemed newly intrigued.

"Now, I know this sounds quite unbelievable, but… your grandfather, my father, was the First Spinjitzu Master."

As Wu had expected, his nephew went even more silent, if it was even possible. His expression was nothing short of shocked.

"He had already passed by the time you were born, so you haven't ever gotten to meet him, unfortunately. However, his legacy still lives on inside of us and there are some very… peculiar genetics that have most likely been passed onto you as well," Wu explained. "However, I'll tell you about those when the time is right."

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